Introduced Version
A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the Indiana federal
congressional delegation to support the pro-America,
pro-innovation climate solution known as the Baker-Shultz
Carbon Dividends Plan.
February 4, 2021, read first time and referred to Committee on Environmental Affairs.
2020 SR 8—RR 3512/DI NM
Second Regular Session 121st General Assembly (2020)
I offer the following resolution and move its adoption:
1 A SENATE RESOLUTION urging the Indiana federal
2 congressional delegation to support the pro-America,
3 pro-innovation climate solution known as the Baker-Shultz
4 Carbon Dividends Plan.
5 Whereas, The State of Indiana is committed to protecting
6 and enhancing economic opportunities for its citizens and
7 attracting businesses to our state;
8 Whereas, The protection, conservation, and effective
9 stewardship of Indiana's natural environment is essential for
10 preserving the state's economic health and the well-being and
11 productivity of its citizens;
12 Whereas, The Indiana Climate Change Impacts Assessment
13 led by Purdue University has projected forthcoming negative
14 impacts on Indiana's communities, businesses, and
15 infrastructure;
16 Whereas, These local environmental impacts pose
17 significant risks to our businesses and communities,
18 particularly to Indiana's agricultural sector, which contributes
19 an estimated $31.2 billion to the state's economy;
2020 SR 8—RR 3512/DI NM
1 Whereas, Any efforts to address these impacts and their
2 effects should not harm Indiana's citizens or businesses, nor
3 stifle its economy or manufacturers' competitiveness;
4 Whereas, Addressing these challenges with a proactive
5 United States strategy that enhances the competitiveness of
6 United States manufacturers and protects our economic well-
7 being carries substantial benefits for Indiana's businesses and
8 citizens and the nation as a whole;
9 Whereas, A federal solution known as the Baker-Shultz
10 Carbon Dividends Plan is available and offers a cost-effective
11 approach for lowering carbon emissions in the United States
12 that compels other major world economies to follow suit;
13 Whereas, The Baker-Shultz Plan was authored by two of
14 America's most distinguished senior statesmen who led the
15 United States in confronting some of the toughest challenges of
16 the 20th century, and who are now committed to protecting our
17 environment and our economy as part of their legacy;
18 Whereas, The Baker-Shultz Plan would build upon the
19 successes of Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush
20 in deploying strong American leadership to solve major
21 environmental problems;
22 Whereas, The Baker-Shultz Plan is endorsed by more than
23 3,500 economists, including 28 Nobel laureates and the top
24 White House economic advisers to six out of the last seven U.S.
25 presidents;
26 Whereas, The Baker-Shultz Plan would cut United States
27 carbon emissions by more than half by 2035 by streamlining
28 regulations and offering businesses the market and policy
29 certainty they need to innovate and make clean energy
30 investments;
31 Whereas, The Baker-Shultz Plan would position the United
2020 SR 8—RR 3512/DI NM
1 States to dominate the coming clean-tech era and lead the
2 world toward a clean energy future;
3 Whereas, This solution substantially reduces both climate
4 and competitive risks to Indiana's manufacturers so they can
5 grow and create jobs;
6 Whereas, A study by NERA Economic Consulting in
7 Washington, D.C. found that this plan would deliver an extra
8 $190 billion per year in economic output, on average,
9 compared to a regulatory approach to lowering emissions;
10 Whereas, This solution enables a system of border carbon
11 adjustments (BCA) that will strengthen the competitiveness of
12 Indiana manufacturers who are forced today to compete on an
13 uneven playing field against manufacturers overseas with
14 higher emissions;
15 Whereas, This BCA system will yield $119 billion in higher
16 output per year across seven manufacturing sectors by 2036,
17 according to NERA Economic Consulting; and
18 Whereas, The Baker-Shultz Plan's overwhelming benefits
19 to Indiana's businesses and citizens warrant that the state
20 announce its preference for this market-based solution over the
21 far more costly and intrusive, yet less effective, regulatory
22 alternatives being proposed: Therefore,
23 Be it resolved by the Senate of the
24 General Assembly of the State of Indiana:
25 SECTION 1. The Indiana State Senate urges the United
26 States Senators and Representatives of the State of Indiana to
27 support the national climate solution known as the Baker-Shultz
28 Carbon Dividends Plan.
29 SECTION 2. The Secretary of the Senate is hereby directed
30 to transmit copies of this Resolution to the Indiana federal
2020 SR 8—RR 3512/DI NM
1 congressional delegation.
2020 SR 8—RR 3512/DI NM