Creates the Drug and Sharps Waste Stewardship Act. Directs the Environmental Protection Agency to administer a drug and sharps waste stewardship program. Provides that the State Board of Pharmacy is to guide and advise the Agency in its administration of the program. Requires covered entities to provide lists of covered and not covered products to the State Board and to implement stewardship plans. Requires stewardship plans to be submitted to the Agency for review and acceptance. Requires that all counties have at least one collection site for unused drugs and sharps per 50,000 people, and no fewer than 5 such collection sites. Requires counties that do not have the necessary number of collection sites to establish a mail-back program, or alternative collection program for covered products, or both. Imposes an administrative fee on covered entities. Provides penalties for covered entities that fail to comply with the provisions of the Act. Creates the Drug and Sharps Stewardship Fund and the Drug and Sharps Stewardship Penalty Account within the Fund. Directs the Agency to post lists of compliant covered entities on its website. Exempts stewardship programs already in existence under local ordinances at the time the Act takes effect from the Act's provisions, but provides that those entities with programs that are not within the Act's purview are not to receive any monetary support from the Drug and Sharps Stewardship Fund or the Drug and Sharps Stewardship Penalty Account. Exempts confidential proprietary information from public disclosure by the Agency.