This bill amends Sections 34-1811 and 34-1813 of the Idaho Code to revise the voting thresholds for statewide initiative petitions. Specifically, it establishes that no measure shall be adopted unless it receives at least sixty percent (60%) of the aggregate number of votes cast for an initiative, along with an affirmative majority for a referendum. The language regarding the voting process has been updated for clarity, including changing "upon" to "on" and replacing "an affirmative majority" with "at least sixty percent (60%)". Additionally, the bill clarifies the procedure for counting and canvassing votes, ensuring that initiatives and referendums are treated distinctly in the voting process.
Furthermore, the bill removes obsolete language and makes technical corrections to streamline the voting process for initiatives and referendums. It specifies that the votes for each initiative and referendum will be counted and returned similarly to votes for candidates, and it mandates that the governor issue a proclamation detailing the results. The effective date for initiatives and referendums is also addressed, with provisions for city or county initiatives to have an earlier effective date than statewide initiatives. An emergency clause is included, allowing the act to take effect immediately upon passage and approval.
Statutes affected: Bill Text: 34-1811, 34-1813