RS30697 / H0337
This legislation addresses a number of different portions of Idaho electrical statutes: It creates the Idaho
Electrical Code and adopts the 2023 version of the National Electric Code, with any previously accepted
exclusions; creates a residential electrician license classification; defines what a residential electrical setting
is; expands the scope of work for a journeyman electrician; expands who an electrical contractor may employ;
limits the number of years a person can be an apprentice electrician; amends the electrical apprenticeship
ratio; removes the continuing education requirement from apprentice electricians; increases the penalty for
a violation of these statutes; affirms that the state of Idaho has the sole authority to establish apprenticeship
There is no anticipated fiscal impact to state or local governments associated with this legislation. IDOPL has
sufficient staff and resources to implement the proposed changes in this bill.
Representative Sage G. Dixon
(208) 332-1000
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/17/2023, 9:49 AM

Statutes affected:
Bill Text: 54-1001, 54-1001B, 54-1002, 54-1003, 54-1003A, 54-1005, 54-1006, 54-1007, 54-1008, 54-1010, 54-1013, 54-1014, 54-1016, 54-1017