RS28814 / S1185
This is the FY 2022 original appropriation bill for the Department of Health and Welfare, Division of Medicaid.
This bill maintains the same benefit package for health insurance and sick leave as last year and provides an
additional 2% equivalent compensation increase. Additional federal funding is added for the 6.2% enhanced
federal match (FMAP) and reduces the General Fund by a related amount. The bill has six line items, including
funding for service verification; patient access to health data; provider auditing; Medicaid services in the state
veteran homes; and the removal of funding from 2019 for various Medicaid waivers.
FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2021 Original Appropriation 216.00 723,971,900 272,809,800 2,118,295,900 3,115,077,600
Supplemental Actions - H216 0.00 (35,812,000) 100,777,200 304,798,900 369,764,100
FY 2021 Total Appropriation 216.00 688,159,900 373,587,000 2,423,094,800 3,484,841,700
Executive Holdback 0.00 (36,198,600) 0 0 (36,198,600)
FTP Transfers (3.00) 0 0 0 0
FY 2021 Estimated Expenditures 213.00 651,961,300 373,587,000 2,423,094,800 3,448,643,100
Removal of Onetime Expend. 0.00 (2,935,200) (15,203,200) (45,344,400) (63,482,800)
Base Adjustments 0.00 58,856,700 0 (148,700,000) (89,843,300)
Restore Rescissions 0.00 36,198,600 0 0 36,198,600
FY 2022 Base 213.00 744,081,400 358,383,800 2,229,050,400 3,331,515,600
Benefit Costs 0.00 22,100 0 34,200 56,300
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 (1,700) 0 (1,700) (3,400)
Chg. Empl. Comp. 0.00 115,100 2,000 178,400 295,500
Nondiscretionary Adjustments 0.00 37,543,000 59,102,100 311,996,200 408,641,300
FY 2022 Program Maintenance 213.00 781,759,900 417,487,900 2,541,257,500 3,740,505,300
2. Electronic Visit Verification 0.00 190,900 0 572,800 763,700
3. Patient Access/Interoperability 0.00 147,500 0 787,500 935,000
4. Managed Care Auditing 0.00 212,000 0 212,000 424,000
8. Idaho Veterans Services 0.00 0 1,000,000 2,400,000 3,400,000
11. County - Expansion 0.00 (12,500,000) 0 0 (12,500,000)
13. Expansion Correction 0.00 (81,800) 0 (81,800) (163,600)
FY 2022 Total 213.00 769,728,500 418,487,900 2,545,148,000 3,733,364,400
Chg from FY 2021 Orig Approp (3.00) 45,756,600 145,678,100 426,852,100 618,286,800
% Chg from FY 2021 Orig
Approp. (1.4%) 6.3% 53.4% 20.2% 19.8%
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/12/2021, 11:30 AM
Jared Tatro
Budget and Policy Analysis
(208) 334-4740
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 03/12/2021, 11:30 AM