RS27287 / S1231
As part of the department's replacement of its Commercial Vehicle Registration and Permitting systems, the
Idaho Transportation Department (ITD) has the opportunity to enhance its customer service by enabling the
department to provide electronic credentials to the trucking industry. This will provide improved customer
service and allow customers to receive their credentials electronically, without waiting for paper documents to
be received in the mail. As part of this initiative, the department, with the support of Idaho State Police and the
trucking industry desires to make the process more efficient and streamlined, by allowing commercial vehicle
registrations to be carried either electronically or by paper (cab card) as a decision by the registrant. Currently
law enforcement already accepts electronic credentials.
This practice aligns with recent changes to the International Registration Plan (IRP) Agreement (Article VI,
Section 600), which provides the option of carrying an electronically issued IRP cab card or the paper proof, at
the option of the registrant. Eliminating the special form and validation decal will allow Full Fee and IRP cab
cards to be issued on paper or electronically. Customers will receive their registration quicker, can self-issue
credentials online, and Motor Carrier Services and the POE locations will no longer need special printers and
embedded decal forms. Law Enforcement personnel can validate the registration via law enforcement and
commercial registration systems, as well as view the electronic credential on the driver's electronic device. The
Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance is in support of this measure, of which Idaho State Police is a member.
The fiscal impact of this proposal is estimated to be a net even. There will be minimal operating cost
reductions for printers, forms, and postage, but that will be offset by the loss of revenue due to elimination of
replacement cab card fees ($5 per vehicle) and replacement decal fees ($2). Additionally this impact is limited
because the proposal only affects registered commercial vehicles, of which there are currently only 55,000.
No programming fees will be associated as the Commercial Registration System (CRS) already produces a
PDF image of the cab card.
Jerri Hunter
Idaho Transportation Department
(208) 334-8626
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note Bill SOP/FN INTRODUCED: 01/15/2020, 9:08 AM

Statutes affected:
Bill Text: 49-421, 49-425, 49-427, 49-428, 49-434, 49-435, 49-443
Engrossment 1: 49-421, 49-425, 49-427, 49-428, 49-434, 49-435, 49-443