This is the FY 2020 original appropriation bill for the Military Division. It appropriates a total of $83,232,600
and caps the number of authorized full-time equivalent positions at 398.80.
For benefit costs, the bill maintains the current appropriated amount for health insurance at $11,650 per
eligible FTP; and provides a 5.5% increase for the employer's share of PERSI contributions. Inflationary
adjustments include $2,800 for contract inflation. Funding for replacement items includes $756,700 for
vehicles and computer equipment. For statewide cost allocation, $32,400 is provided. The bill also provides
funding for the equivalent of a 3% change in employee compensation for permanent employees, with a
minimum increase of $550 for each employee and the remaining amount to be distributed based on merit.
The bill funds 11 line items, which provide $109,000 for land leases; 1.00 FTP and $87,700 for an HR
specialist; 1.00 FTP and $102,900 for a statewide interoperability coordinator; 1.00 FTP and $68,600 for
a purchasing agent; 1.00 FTP and $102,900 for a software engineer; 2.00 FTP and $126,100 for Youth
ChalleNGe team leaders; $650,000 for an armory fund increase; 8.00 FTP and 551,100 for construction and
maintenance at the Orchard Combat Training Center (OCTC); 2.00 FTP and $175,400 for environmental
protection technicians; $5,545,000 for OCTC equipment; and $778,600 for the funding of 12 positions
approved through the noncognizable process in FY 2019.
This bill also includes language for continuous appropriation for the Idaho Office of Emergency
Management's Miscellaneous Revenue Fund for indirect cost recovery related to hazardous substance
FTP Gen Ded Fed Total
FY 2019 Original Appropriation 370.80 7,069,900 6,257,400 91,644,600 104,971,900
Deficiency Warrants 0.00 26,800 0 0 26,800
Cash Transfers and Adjustments 0.00 (26,800) 0 0 (26,800)
FY 2019 Total Appropriation 370.80 7,069,900 6,257,400 91,644,600 104,971,900
Noncognizable Funds and Transfers 12.00 0 0 52,096,300 52,096,300
FY 2019 Estimated Expenditures 382.80 7,069,900 6,257,400 143,740,900 157,068,200
Removal of Onetime Expenditures 0.00 (286,600) (407,200) (83,096,300) (83,790,100)
FY 2020 Base 382.80 6,783,300 5,850,200 60,644,600 73,278,100
Benefit Costs 0.00 8,600 6,400 38,800 53,800
Inflationary Adjustments 0.00 200 2,600 0 2,800
Replacement Items 0.00 309,300 447,400 0 756,700
Statewide Cost Allocation 0.00 6,800 4,000 21,600 32,400
Change in Employee Compensation 0.00 123,000 111,000 577,500 811,500
FY 2020 Program Maintenance 382.80 7,231,200 6,421,600 61,282,500 74,935,300
1. Land Leases 0.00 0 109,000 0 109,000
2. Supervisory HR Specialist 1.00 87,700 0 0 87,700
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note S1170
3. SWIC Position 1.00 49,400 0 53,500 102,900
4. Purchasing Agent 1.00 68,600 0 0 68,600
5. Software Engineer 1.00 51,400 20,600 30,900 102,900
7. Youth Challenge Cadre Team Leaders 2.00 0 31,500 94,600 126,100
8. Armory Revenue Fund Increase 0.00 0 650,000 0 650,000
9. Construction and Maintenance 8.00 0 0 551,100 551,100
10. Environmental Protection Technicians 2.00 0 0 175,400 175,400
11. OCTC Equipment 0.00 0 0 5,545,000 5,545,000
12. Funding for 12 positions 0.00 0 0 778,600 778,600
FY 2020 Total 398.80 7,488,300 7,232,700 68,511,600 83,232,600
Chg from FY 2019 Orig Approp 28.00 418,400 975,300 (23,133,000) (21,739,300)
% Chg from FY 2019 Orig Approp. 7.6% 5.9% 15.6% (25.2%) (20.7%)
Christine M Otto
Budget and Policy Analysis
(208) 334-4732
DISCLAIMER: This statement of purpose and fiscal note are a mere attachment to this bill and prepared by a proponent
of the bill. It is neither intended as an expression of legislative intent nor intended for any use outside of the legislative
process, including judicial review (Joint Rule 18).
Statement of Purpose / Fiscal Note S1170