Senate Study Bill 1205 - Introduced
1 An Act providing for financing of certain agricultural
2 commodity programs, by reducing and eliminating fees imposed
3 on licensed grain dealers and warehouse operators, replacing
4 those moneys with moneys collected from a percentage of
5 state assessments imposed on the sale of corn and soybeans,
6 increasing moneys deposited into the grain depositors and
7 sellers indemnity fund, increasing indemnification amounts,
8 and making appropriations.
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1 Section 1. Section 185.1, subsection 7, Code 2023, is
2 amended to read as follows:
3 7. “Market development” means to engage improve the economic
4 conditions of soybean production, storage, and marketing, by
5 engaging in research and educational programs directed toward
6 better and more efficient production, storage, and utilization
7 of soybeans; to provide providing methods and means, including
8 but not limited to, public relations and other promotion
9 techniques for the maintenance of present markets; to provide
10 ensuring the security of soybeans stored and marketed in
11 commercial channels; providing for the development of new or
12 larger domestic and foreign markets; and to provide providing
13 for the prevention, modification, or elimination of trade
14 barriers which obstruct the free flow of soybeans.
15 Sec. 2. Section 185.13, Code 2023, is amended by adding the
16 following new subsection:
17 NEW SUBSECTION. 7. Accept gifts or federal or state grants
18 received by the board. Any moneys accepted by the board
19 shall be deposited in an account of a qualified financial
20 institution.
21 Sec. 3. Section 185.21, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
22 to read as follows:
23 2. The state assessment shall be paid deposited into the
24 soybean promotion marketing fund established in section 185.26.
25 Sec. 4. Section 185.26, Code 2023, is amended to read as
26 follows:
27 185.26 Administration Deposit of moneys collected from state
28 assessment —— soybean marketing fund —— transfers.
29 1. The Moneys from the state assessment collected by
30 the board from the sale of soybeans shall be deposited in a
31 special fund known as the soybean promotion marketing fund,
32 established in the office of the treasurer of state. The fund
33 may also contain any gifts or federal or state grant received
34 by the board. Moneys collected, deposited into in the soybean
35 marketing fund, and transferred to the board, as provided in
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1 this chapter, shall be subject to audit by the auditor of
2 state. The
3 2. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b”, the department
4 of administrative services shall transfer moneys from the
5 soybean marketing fund to the board for deposit into in an
6 account known as the soybean checkoff account which shall be
7 established by the board in a qualified financial institution.
8 The department of administrative services shall transfer the
9 moneys into to the soybean checkoff account as provided in a
10 resolution adopted by the board. However, the department is
11 only required to transfer moneys once during each day and only
12 during hours when the offices of the state are open. From
13 moneys collected, deposited, and transferred to the soybean
14 checkoff account as provided in this section, the board shall
15 first pay the costs of referendums, elections, and other
16 expenses incurred in the administration of this chapter,
17 before the transferred moneys may be expended to carry out the
18 purposes of the board as provided in section 185.11. The board
19 shall strictly segregate moneys in the soybean checkoff account
20 from all other moneys of the board. Moneys in the soybean
21 checkoff account shall be expended by the board exclusively
22 for use as provided in section 185.28, including for carrying
23 out the purposes of the board as provided in section 185.11.
24 The soybean checkoff account shall be subject to audit by the
25 auditor of state.
26 b. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph
27 (2), twenty-five percent of moneys deposited in the soybean
28 marketing fund shall be transferred to the grain depositors
29 and sellers indemnity fund created in section 203D.3 for use
30 as provided in section 185.28.
31 (2) If the department of agriculture and land stewardship
32 delivers a state assessment transfer suspension notice to the
33 department of administrative services as provided in section
34 203D.3B, moneys that would otherwise be transferred to the
35 grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund as described in
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1 subparagraph (1) shall instead be transferred to the soybean
2 checkoff account for use by the board in the same manner
3 provided in paragraph “a”.
4 (3) If the department of agriculture and land stewardship
5 delivers a state assessment transfer reinstatement notice
6 to the department of administrative services as provided in
7 section 203D.3B, moneys that would otherwise be transferred to
8 the soybean checkoff account under subparagraph (2) shall again
9 be transferred to the grain depositors and sellers indemnity
10 fund in the same manner described in subparagraph (1).
11 c. The department of administrative services is only
12 required to transfer moneys under this subsection to the
13 soybean checkoff account and the grain depositors and sellers
14 indemnity fund once during each day and only during hours when
15 the offices of the state are open.
16 2. 3. The fiscal year of the association shall commence on
17 October 1 and end on September 30.
18 Sec. 5. Section 185.28, Code 2023, is amended to read as
19 follows:
20 185.28 Use of moneys —— appropriation appropriations.
21 1. All Except as provided in subsection 2, moneys collected,
22 deposited, and transferred to or accepted by the board as
23 provided in this chapter, are appropriated and shall be used
24 for the administration of this chapter by the board and for the
25 payment of claims by the board based upon obligations incurred
26 in the performance of board activities and functions provided
27 in this chapter.
28 2. Moneys transferred from the soybean marketing fund to
29 the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund as provided in
30 section 185.26 are appropriated for use by the department of
31 agriculture and land stewardship and the Iowa grain indemnity
32 fund board as provided in chapter 203D.
33 Sec. 6. Section 185.30, Code 2023, is amended to read as
34 follows:
35 185.30 Bond.
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1 Every A person occupying a position of trust with the
2 board and acting under any provisions a provision of this
3 chapter shall provide post a bond in an amount required by the
4 board. The premium for the bond shall be paid out of moneys
5 transferred from in the soybean promotion fund to the board
6 pursuant to checkoff account established in section 185.26.
7 Sec. 7. Section 185.33, Code 2023, is amended to read as
8 follows:
9 185.33 Report.
10 The board shall each year prepare and submit a report
11 summarizing the activities of the board under this chapter to
12 the auditor of state and the secretary of agriculture. The
13 report shall show all income, expenses, and other relevant
14 information concerning fees moneys collected by the board,
15 deposited by the board in an account, transferred to the board,
16 and expended by the board under the provisions of this chapter.
17 Sec. 8. Section 185.34, subsection 2, paragraph b,
18 subparagraph (2), Code 2023, is amended to read as follows:
19 (2) A public body for purposes of chapter 12C. Moneys
20 deposited into the soybean checkoff account as established in
21 section 185.26 shall be deemed to be public funds under chapter
22 12C.
23 Sec. 9. Section 185.34, Code 2023, is amended by adding the
24 following new subsection:
25 NEW SUBSECTION. 3. Moneys deposited in the soybean
26 marketing fund and transferred to the soybean checkoff account
27 as established in section 185.26 or the grain depositors and
28 sellers indemnity fund as provided in that section shall be
29 deemed to be public funds under chapter 12C.
30 Sec. 10. Section 185.35, subsection 2, Code 2023, is amended
31 to read as follows:
32 2. Subsection 1 does not apply to a any of the following:
33 a. A communication or action taken by the board if any of
34 the following applies:
35 a. (1) The board may communicate or take action directed
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1 to an appropriate government official or government relating
2 to the marketing of soybeans or soybean products to a foreign
3 country.
4 b. (2) The communication or action relates to the
5 prevention, modification, or elimination of trade barriers.
6 b. Moneys transferred to the grain depositors and sellers
7 indemnity fund as provided in section 185.26.
8 Sec. 11. Section 185C.1, subsection 9, Code 2023, is amended
9 to read as follows:
10 9. “Market development” means to engage improve the economic
11 conditions of corn production, storage, and marketing, by
12 engaging in research and educational programs directed toward
13 better and more efficient production, storage, and utilization
14 of corn; to provide providing methods and means, including but
15 not limited to, public relations and other promotion techniques
16 for the maintenance of present markets; to provide ensuring
17 the security of corn to be stored and marketed in commercial
18 channels; providing for the development of new or larger
19 domestic and foreign markets; and to provide providing for the
20 prevention, modification, or elimination of trade barriers
21 which obstruct the free flow of corn.
22 Sec. 12. Section 185C.11, subsection 1, Code 2023, is
23 amended by adding the following new paragraphs:
24 NEW PARAGRAPH. j. Administer the corn checkoff account as
25 provided in section 185C.26.
26 NEW PARAGRAPH. k. Accept gifts, rents, royalties, interest,
27 license fees, or federal or state grants. Any moneys accepted
28 by the board shall be deposited in an account of a qualified
29 financial institution.
30 Sec. 13. Section 185C.21, subsection 1, Code 2023, is
31 amended to read as follows:
32 1. The board shall determine and set the state assessment
33 rate. State assessments collected pursuant to the promotional
34 order shall be paid into the corn promotion marketing fund
35 established in section 185C.26. Except as provided in
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1 subsection 2, a state assessment shall not exceed one-quarter
2 of one cent per bushel upon corn marketed in this state.
3 Sec. 14. Section 185C.24, subsections 1 and 2, Code 2023,
4 are amended to read as follows:
5 1. The board shall be suspended and board operations and
6 terms of members shall cease upon either any of the following
7 events:
8 a. The state assessment is terminated pursuant to section
9 185C.25.
10 b. The state assessment is suspended pursuant to section
11 185C.25A.
12 2. However, notwithstanding subsection 1, the board
13 shall continue to operate until proceeds remaining in moneys
14 transferred from the corn promotion marketing fund to the corn
15 checkoff account are disbursed. Disbursement shall be made
16 as provided for payment the transfer of moneys under section
17 185C.26.
18 Sec. 15. Section 185C.26, Code 2023, is amended to read as
19 follows:
20 185C.26 Deposit of moneys —— corn promotion marketing fund
21 —— transfers.
22 1. A Moneys from the state assessment collected by the Iowa
23 corn promotion board from a the sale of corn shall be deposited
24 in the office of the treasurer of state in a special fund known
25 as the corn promotion marketing fund established in the office
26 of the treasurer of state. The fund may include any gifts,
27 rents, royalties, interest, license fees, or a federal or state
28 grant received by the board. Moneys collected, deposited
29 in the corn marketing fund, and transferred to the board as
30 provided in this chapter shall be subject to audit by the
31 auditor of state. The auditor of state may seek reimbursement
32 for the cost of the audit from moneys deposited in the corn
33 marketing fund as provided in this chapter. The department of
34 administrative services shall transfer moneys from the fund
35 2. a. Except as provided in paragraph “b”, the department
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1 of administrative services shall transfer moneys deposited
2 in the corn marketing fund to the board for deposit into in
3 an account known as the corn checkoff account which shall be
4 established by the board in a qualified financial institution.
5 The department of administrative services shall transfer the
6 moneys to the corn checkoff account as provided in a resolution
7 adopted by the board. However, the department is only required
8 to transfer moneys once during each day and only during hours
9 when the offices of the state are open. From moneys collected,
10 transferred to the corn checkoff account, the board shall first
11 pay all the direct and indirect costs incurred by the secretary
12 and the costs of referendums, elections, and other expenses
13 incurred in the administration of this chapter, before the
14 transferred moneys may be expended to carry for other uses as
15 provided in section 185C.28, including for carrying out the
16 purposes of this chapter as provided in section 185C.11.
17 b. (1) Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (2),
18 twenty-five percent of moneys deposited in the corn marketing
19 fund shall be transferred to the grain depositors and sellers
20 indemnity fund created in section 203D.3 for use as provided
21 in section 185C.28.
22 (2) If the department of agriculture and land stewardship
23 delivers a state assessment transfer suspension notice to the
24 department of administrative services as provided in section
25 203D.3B, moneys that would otherwise be transferred to the
26 grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund as described in
27 subparagraph (1) shall instead be transferred to the corn
28 checkoff account for use by the board in the same manner
29 provided in paragraph “a”.
30 (3) If the department of agriculture and land stewardship
31 delivers a state assessment transfer reinstatement notice
32 to the department of administrative services as provided in
33 section 203D.3B, moneys that would otherwise be transferred to
34 the corn checkoff account under subparagraph (2) shall again be
35 transferred to the grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund
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1 in the same manner described in subparagraph (1).
2 c. The department of administrative services is only
3 required to transfer moneys under this subsection to the corn
4 checkoff account and the grain depositors and sellers indemnity
5 fund once during each day and only during hours when the
6 offices of the state are open.
7 Sec. 16. Section 185C.28, Code 2023, is amended to read as
8 follows:
9 185C.28 Use of moneys —— appropriation appropriations.
10 1. Moneys deposited in the corn promotion fund and
11 transferred to Except as provided in subsection 2, moneys
12 transferred or accepted by the board, as provided in section
13 185C.26, including federal moneys to the extent permitted
14 by federal law, are appropriated and shall be used for
15 the administration of this chapter and for the payment of
16 claims based upon obligations incurred in the performance of
17 activities and functions provided in this chapter.
18 2. Moneys transferred from the corn marketing fund to the
19 grain depositors and sellers indemnity fund as provided in
20 section 185C.26 are appropriated for use by the department of
21 agriculture and land stewardship and the Iowa grain indemnity
22 fund board as provided in chapter 203D.
23 Sec. 17. Section 185C.29, subsection 1, Code 2023, is
24 amended to read as follows:
25 1. After the dir