Fiscal Note
Fiscal Services Division
HF 763 – Medical Residents, State Tort Claims Act (LSB1746HV)
Staff Contact: Christopher Ubben (515.725.0134)
Fiscal Note Version – New
House File 763 creates a reimbursement program such that a private or public hospital or an
affiliated nonprofit organization with a resident physician program in Iowa may apply to the Iowa
Department of Public Health (IDPH) to be reimbursed for the costs of the medical liability
insurance premiums attributed to an employed resident physician licensed pursuant to Iowa
Code section 148.5. The Bill excludes residency programs affiliated with patients or inmates of
State institutions under the jurisdiction of the Department of Human Services or the Iowa
Department of Corrections, or employees of the Department of Veterans Affairs. The Bill also
states that the IDPH may adopt rules to implement and administer the Bill.
The reimbursement program created by HF 763 would be administered by the Policy and
Workforce Services Bureau within the IDPH. The Bureau would not require additional
personnel to administer the reimbursement program, and the costs of administration could be
absorbed by the Bureau’s existing budget.
As some facilities currently use private insurance or are self-insured, it is unknown how many
resident programs would apply for reimbursement. As a result, the IDPH has estimated costs of
the program by estimating the maximum amount of reimbursement requests that might be
submitted each year.
Fiscal Impact
There are currently an estimated 500 residents per year within the State of Iowa, and the IDPH
estimates an average rate of approximately $5,000 per resident, resulting in a maximum total
annual cost of $2.5 million to fund the program.
Iowa Department of Public Health
/s/ Holly M. Lyons
March 24, 2021
Doc ID 1217847
The fiscal note for this Bill was prepared pursuant to Joint Rule 17 and the Iowa Code. Data used in
developing this fiscal note is available from the Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services
Agency upon request.