Fiscal Note
Fiscal Services Division
SF 487 – Occupational Regulation Review (LSB1457SV)
Staff Contact: Christopher Ubben (515.725.0134)
Fiscal Note Version – As amended and passed by the Senate
Requester: Representative Cindy Winckler
Senate File 487 establishes requirements of the legislative process for the introduction and
consideration of bills regarding occupational regulation and implements a five-year revolving
review process for existing boards and commissions. The Bill contains five divisions. Division II
is the only division with a measurable fiscal impact.
Division II requires the legislative State Government Efficiency Review Committee to meet every
month, as necessary, to review all boards, councils, commissions, committees, panels, review
teams, and foundations of the State except pension boards and the Iowa Ethics and Campaign
Disclosure Board (boards) according to a schedule established by the Legislative Services
Agency (LSA). The Committee is then directed to review the usefulness, performance, and
efficacy of the boards and publish a report of its findings with recommendations by December
21 of each year. The Bill requires a board to submit a report 30 days prior to the date the board
is scheduled to appear before the Committee detailing information enumerated in section 14(3)
of the Bill.
The Bill also requires that any act of the General Assembly establishing a board after the
effective date of SF 487 to include a dissolution date for the board within five years of the
board’s establishment, and that any governmental entity established by an executive order of
the governor shall be dissolved within one year of its establishment or the submission of a
report required by the establishing executive order, whichever is later.
The LSA maintains a list of boards and commissions on the Iowa Legislature website. This list
contains 277 current boards, commissions, and committees but is not inclusive of all councils,
committees, panels, review teams, and foundations included in the definition of “boards” as
defined by section 12 of the Bill. The total number of State entities that would be included in the
General Assembly’s five-year review is not known at this time.
The Department of Public Health (DPH) reports that, due to the broad definition of “board” in
section 12 of the Bill, it is unclear how many boards, commissions, committees, or licensing
agencies will be subject to the five-year review process. The Division of Acute Disease
Prevention, Emergency Response, and Environmental Health has 16 licensing functions that
will be included in the five-year review calendar, and the Division of Professional Licensing and
Regulation has an additional 23 boards that will need to be included on the calendar as well.
The estimated fiscal impact is based on these assumed minimums, but could increase if the
definition of “board” in section 12 of the Bill is interpreted to include additional boards and
commissions such as the State Board of Health.
To review the 39 licensing boards under the purview of the DPH would require 1.0 additional
full-time equivalent (FTE) position. A new Executive Officer position would be necessary to
assist the boards and commissions in collecting data as outlined in paragraphs “a” through “z” in
section 14(3) of the Bill and ensuring compliance with the additional reporting requirements
within the review schedule timelines established in the Bill.
Fiscal Impact
In order to review the 39 licensing boards under the purview of the DPH, the DPH would require
1.0 new FTE position with an estimated annual cost of $98,000 for salary, benefits, and other
indirect costs. Senate File 487 would require the review of no fewer than 277 State boards,
commissions, committees, councils, panels, review teams, and foundations on a revolving five-
year calendar (approximately 55 per year). The total fiscal impact of SF 487 to the State cannot
be calculated at this time, but is likely significant.
Iowa Department of Public Health
Legislative Services Agency
/s/ Holly M. Lyons
March 28, 2022
Doc ID 1288802
The fiscal note for this Bill was prepared pursuant to Joint Rule 17 and the Iowa Code. Data used in
developing this fiscal note is available from the Fiscal Services Division of the Legislative Services
Agency upon request.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 4B.1, 2.69, 272C.3, 272C.12
Reprinted: 4B.1, 2.69, 272C.12