

H.R. NO.













ENCOURAGING THE CITY AND COUNTY OF HONOLULU TO plan for the necessary improvements to, and revitalization of, Hans L'Orange Park.




        WHEREAS, over time, Waipahu has evolved as a result of the area's economic mainstay, the Oahu Sugar Company; and


        WHEREAS, the Oahu Sugar Company was established in 1897 and was a major contributor to Waipahu's growth and prosperity; and


        WHEREAS, Waipahu is a classic example of a diverse sugar plantation town; and


        WHEREAS, as a primary source of employment, the plantation  attracted a mix of immigrant workers who formed a community of various cultures, traditions, and lifestyles; and


        WHEREAS, Hans L'Orange was an Oahu Sugar Company manager who, in 1924, persuaded his superiors to authorize the use of several acres of low-yielding sugar cane land upon which to build a recreation area for workers; and


        WHEREAS, L'Orange believed that wholesome recreational and social activities were the keys to happiness and health for the plantation workers; and


        WHEREAS, in 1972, this recreation area was renamed Hans L'Orange Park; and


        WHEREAS, as part of the Waipahu 2000 Plan, a "passive park" area that would retain most of the mature trees was incorporated into Hans L'Orange Park allowing for the expansion of the baseball field at the Hans L'Orange Park for professional-level use; and

        WHEREAS, consequently, Hans L'Orange Park has hosted home games for the Waipahu High School Marauders and Hawaii Pacific University Sharks baseball teams; and


        WHEREAS, in the mid-1990's to early 2000's, the Hans L'Orange Park was the ballpark of choice for the Hawaii Winter Baseball Leagues and other local and regional baseball teams and leagues; and


        WHEREAS, Hans L'Orange Park includes a commemorative monument saluting nineteen Waipahu sports legends, including Hans L'Orange; brothers Fred, Johnny, Eddie and Chester Yasui; Andy Ganigan; Al Silva; Henry "Prince" Oana; Kenneth Kimura; Richard Oamilda; Chrispin Mancao; Katsuji Kojima; Brown Watabu; Walter Gouveia, Sr.; Masa Yonamine; James Moniz; Takemi Arakawa; Dr. Richard Noda; and Mac Flores; and


        WHEREAS, Hans L'Orange Park has not been immune to the ravages of time and neglect; and


        WHEREAS, Hans L'Orange Park and its surrounding facilities, including the bathroom facilities, play areas, parking facilities, and baseball field, have deteriorated, resulting in limited use and unsafe conditions; and


        WHEREAS, the homeless population has encroached on the park grounds, thus creating an unsafe and unsanitary situation; and


        WHEREAS, Hans L'Orange Park is one of several district parks serving Waipahu; and


        WHEREAS, due to Hans L'Orange Park's celebrated historical past and the park's location in the Waipahu Heritage District, it is imperative that Hans L'Orange Park be repaired and restored so that the park may once again be a safe place for recreation and social gathering for the Waipahu community and visitors; and


        WHEREAS, Hans L'Orange Park is approaching its one hundred   year anniversary; and


        WHEREAS, the repair, restoration, and revitalization of Hans L'Orange Park, including the "passive park" green space, bathroom facilities, play areas, parking facilities, baseball field, and other ancillary facilities, will enable the City and County of Honolulu and the Waipahu community to promote a sense of place and showcase community spirit based on the area's rich and colorful plantation heritage; now, therefore,


        BE IT RESOLVED by the House of Representatives of the Thirty-first Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2021, that the City and County of Honolulu is encouraged to plan for the necessary improvements to, and revitalization of, Hans L'Orange Park, including the design of the revitalized park and the repairs necessary to restore park facilities; and


        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that City and County of Honolulu officials are encouraged to seek input from Waipahu residents and relevant community organizations and businesses to determine the appropriate improvements to be made to Hans L'Orange Park; and


        BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that certified copies of this Resolution be transmitted to the Mayor of the City and County of Honolulu, Chair of the Honolulu City Council, Director of Parks and Recreation of the City and County of Honolulu, Director of Design and Construction for the City and County of Honolulu, and Director of Facility Maintenance of the City and County of Honolulu.









Report Title:  

City and County of Honolulu; Hans L'Orange Park; Revitalization