The Florida Senate
(This document is based on the provisions contained in the legislation as of the latest date listed below.)
Prepared By: The Professional Staff of the Appropriations Committee on Education
BILL: SB 804
INTRODUCER: Senator Simon
SUBJECT: Required African-American Instruction
DATE: April 17, 2023 REVISED:
1. Sabitsch Bouck ED Favorable
2. Gray Elwell AED Favorable
3. FP
I. Summary:
SB 804 adds requirements regarding the required instruction in Florida schools related to the
history of African Americans.
The bill requires school districts to annually certify and provide evidence to the Department of
Education (DOE) that the requirements for African American history instruction are met.
The bill expands entities from whom the DOE may seek input regarding standards and
curriculum from state or national African American organizations, and authorizes the DOE to
contract with state or national African American educational organizations to develop training
for instructional personnel and classroom resources.
This bill does not have an impact on state revenues or expenditures.
The bill takes effect on July 1, 2023.
II. Present Situation:
Required Instruction
Each district school board must provide all courses required for middle grades promotion, high
school graduation, and appropriate instruction designed to ensure that students meet the state’s
adopted standards in the following subject areas: reading and other language arts, mathematics,
science, social studies, foreign languages, health and physical education, and the arts.1
Section 1003.42(1)(a), F.S.
BILL: SB 804 Page 2
Instructional personnel must, subject to the rules of the State Board of Education and the district
school board, teach efficiently and faithfully, using the books and materials required that meet
the highest standards for professionalism and historical accuracy, following the prescribed
courses of study, and employing approved methods of instruction, topics that include:
 The history and content of the Declaration of Independence and Constitution of the United
 The elements of civil government.
 The history of the United States.
 The history of the Holocaust.
 The history of the state.
 Comprehensive age-appropriate and developmentally appropriate health education and life
 The study of women’s contributions to the United States.
 Civic and character education.2
African American History
African American history is part of the required instruction that must be taught in all public
schools. For African American history, the following areas of study are required:
 The history of African peoples before the political conflicts that led to the development of
 The passage to America;
 The enslavement experience;
 Abolition; and
 The history and contributions of Americans of the African diaspora to society.3
The purpose of such instruction is for students to develop an understanding of the ramifications
of prejudice, racism, and stereotyping on individual freedoms, and examine what it means to be a
responsible and respectful person, for the purpose of encouraging tolerance of diversity in a
pluralistic society and for nurturing and protecting democratic values and institutions.
Instruction must include the roles and contributions of individuals from all walks of life and their
endeavors to learn and thrive throughout history as artists, scientists, educators, businesspeople,
influential thinkers, members of the faith community, and political and governmental leaders and
the courageous steps they took to fulfill the promise of democracy and unite the nation.
Instructional materials must include the vital contributions of African Americans to build and
strengthen American society and celebrate the inspirational stories of African Americans who
prospered, even in the most difficult circumstances.4
Section 1003.42(2), F.S.
Section 1003.42, F.S. and Florida Department of Education, African American History, (last visited Apr. 05, 2023).
Section 1003.42(1)(h), F.S.
BILL: SB 804 Page 3
The Department of Education must prepare and offer standards and curriculum for the
instruction required by this paragraph and may seek input from the Commissioner of Education’s
African American History Task Force.5
In accordance with State Board of Education rule, each school district is required to submit to the
Commissioner of Education, by July1 of each year, a report that describes how instruction was
provided for all required areas of instruction, including African American history, for the prior
school year. The required report is submitted online through the Required Instruction Reporting
Portal and contains:
 The specific courses in which instruction has been delivered for each grade level.
 A description of the materials and resources utilized to deliver instruction.
 The professional qualifications of the person delivering instruction for certain types of
In 1994, Florida law began requiring the instruction of history, culture, experiences, and
contributions of African Americans in the state’s K-12 curriculum. The African American
History Task Force (AAHTF) was formulated to sustain this effort, and grant supported
initiatives were developed to effectively execute the spirit of the law’s original legislative intent.7
The AAHTF is an advocate for Florida’s school districts, teacher education training centers, and
the community at large, in implementing the teaching of the history of African peoples and the
contributions of African Americans to society. The Task Force works to ensure awareness of the
requirements, identify and recommend needed state education leadership action, assist in
adoption of instructional materials by the state, and build supporting partnerships. The stated
goals of the ASHTF are:
 Promoting awareness, understanding, and the infusing of the required instruction that
addresses the African and African American experience into the curriculum of Florida’s
 Development of instructional guidelines, standardized framework, and supplemental
materials /resources that include the African and African American experience.
 Provide pre- and in-service training for implementation of the required instruction using
various technologies and materials.
 Make recommendations to the Commissioner of Education and the appropriate Florida
Department of Education leaders that support the full implementation of the required
instruction mandate.8
III. Effect of Proposed Changes:
The bill modifies s. 1003.42, F.S., regarding African American History instruction.
Florida Department of Education, African American History,
areas/social-studies/african-amer-hist.stml (last visited Mar. 21, 2023)
Rule 6A-1.094124, F.A.C.
Commissioner of Education’s African American History Task Force, History, (last visited: Apr.
05, 2023).
Commissioner of Education’s African American History Task Force, Mission and Goals,
goals/ (last visited Mar. 21, 2023).
BILL: SB 804 Page 4
Reporting of Instruction
The bill modifies s. 1003.42(2), F.S., to add reporting requirements for African American history
instruction by district school boards. The bill requires each school district to annually certify and
provide evidence to the Department of Education (DOE) of compliance with such instruction,
and for the DOE to establish the reporting requirements.
Curriculum and Resources
The bill modifies s. 1003.42(2), F.S., to allow the DOE to seek input from any state or nationally
recognized African American educational organization regarding the development of standards
and curriculum, rather than only the Commissioner of Education’s African American History
Task Force.
The bill also allows the DOE to contract with any state or nationally recognized African
American educational organization to develop training for instructional personnel and grade-
appropriate classroom resources to support curriculum.
The bill takes effect July 1, 2023.
IV. Constitutional Issues:
A. Municipality/County Mandates Restrictions:
B. Public Records/Open Meetings Issues:
C. Trust Funds Restrictions:
D. State Tax or Fee Increases:
E. Other Constitutional Issues:
V. Fiscal Impact Statement:
A. Tax/Fee Issues:
BILL: SB 804 Page 5
B. Private Sector Impact:
C. Government Sector Impact:
VI. Technical Deficiencies:
VII. Related Issues:
VIII. Statutes Affected:
This bill substantially amends section 1003.42 of the Florida Statutes.
IX. Additional Information:
A. Committee Substitute – Statement of Changes:
(Summarizing differences between the Committee Substitute and the prior version of the bill.)
B. Amendments:
This Senate Bill Analysis does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill’s introducer or the Florida Senate.

Statutes affected:
S 804 Filed: 1003.42