The Florida Senate
(This document is based on the provisions contained in the legislation as of the latest date listed below.)
Prepared By: The Professional Staff of the Committee on Rules
BILL: SB 308
INTRODUCER: Senator Passidomo
SUBJECT: Florida Statutes
DATE: February 16, 2021 REVISED:
1. Pollitz (DLR) Phelps RC Favorable
I. Summary:
The Division of Law Revision of the Office of Legislative Services is required, by statute, to
conduct a systematic and continuing study of the Florida Statutes. The purpose of this study is to
recommend to the Legislature changes that will remove inconsistencies, redundancies, and
unnecessary repetition from the statutes; improve clarity and facilitate correct interpretation;
correct grammatical and typographical errors; delete obsolete, repealed, or superseded
provisions; and revise statutory provisions to conform to directives of the Legislature. These
recommendations are submitted to the Legislature in the form of technical, nonsubstantive
reviser’s bills.
This is a general reviser’s bill to delete expired or obsolete language; correct cross-references
and grammatical or typographical errors; remove inconsistencies and redundancies from the
statutes; improve the clarity of the statutes and facilitate their correct interpretation; confirm the
restoration of provisions unintentionally omitted from republication in the acts of the Legislature
during the amendatory process; and revise statutory provisions to conform to directives of the
Legislature. A reviser’s bill cannot be amended except to delete a bill section.
This bill substantially amends, creates, or repeals the following sections of the Florida Statutes:
amends ss. 20.058, 20.2551, 39.01, 39.302, 39.3065, 39.521, 39.6012, 45.035, 70.001, 215.555,
215.985, 220.03, 220.183, 252.355, 253.0341, 258.3991, 288.9619, 324.021, 364.336, 365.179,
373.41492, 379.2426, 381.925, 393.066, 400.462, 400.962, 401.45, 402.402, 403.726, 409.165,
409.973, 420.628, 420.9071, 420.9072, 420.9075, 420.9076, 429.02, 456.053, 481.203, 552.30,
556.102, 624.307, 624.5105, 625.091, 627.6387, 627.6648, 631.54, 641.31076, 647.02, 647.05,
723.079, 784.046, 943.059, 960.28, 1004.6499, 1007.33, 1009.24, 1009.50, 1009.51, 1009.52,
1009.65, 1009.986, and 1011.62, F.S.
II. Present Situation:
The Division of Law Revision, under the authority and requirements of s. 11.242, Florida
Statutes, submits reviser’s bills to the rules committees of both houses as needed. General
reviser’s bills to clean up obsolete language, update cross-references, correct grammatical and
BILL: SB 308 Page 2
typographical errors, and revise statutory provisions to conform to directives of the Legislature
are submitted every year.
III. Effect of Proposed Changes:
The effect of this bill is of a technical nature only; reviser’s bills do not contain substantive
changes. The bill will clean up grammatical and similar errors in the Florida Statutes.
IV. Constitutional Issues:
A. Municipality/County Mandates Restrictions:
B. Public Records/Open Meetings Issues:
C. Trust Funds Restrictions:
D. State Tax or Fee Increases:
E. Other Constitutional Issues:
V. Fiscal Impact Statement:
A. Tax/Fee Issues:
B. Private Sector Impact:
C. Government Sector Impact:
VI. Technical Deficiencies:
BILL: SB 308 Page 3
VII. Related Issues:
VIII. Statutes Affected:
This bill substantially amends the following sections of the Florida Statutes: ss. 20.058, 20.2551,
39.01, 39.302, 39.3065, 39.521, 39.6012, 45.035, 70.001, 215.555, 215.985, 220.03, 220.183,
252.355, 253.0341, 258.3991, 288.9619, 324.021, 364.336, 365.179, 373.41492, 379.2426,
381.925, 393.066, 400.462, 400.962, 401.45, 402.402, 403.726, 409.165, 409.973, 420.628,
420.9071, 420.9072, 420.9075, 420.9076, 429.02, 456.053, 481.203, 552.30, 556.102, 624.307,
624.5105, 625.091, 627.6387, 627.6648, 631.54, 641.31076, 647.02, 647.05, 723.079, 784.046,
943.059, 960.28, 1004.6499, 1007.33, 1009.24, 1009.50, 1009.51, 1009.52, 1009.65, 1009.986,
and 1011.62, F.S.
This bill reenacts and amends the following sections of the Florida Statutes: None.
This bill creates the following sections of the Florida Statutes: None.
This bill repeals the following sections of the Florida Statutes: None.
IX. Additional Information:
A. Committee Substitute – Statement of Changes:
(Summarizing differences between the Committee Substitute and the prior version of the bill.)
B. Amendments:
This Senate Bill Analysis does not reflect the intent or official position of the bill’s introducer or the Florida Senate.

Statutes affected:
S 308 Filed: 20.058, 20.2551, 39.302, 39.3065, 39.521, 39.6012, 45.035, 70.001, 215.555, 215.985, 220.03, 252.355, 253.0341, 258.3991, 288.9619, 324.021, 364.336, 365.179, 379.2426, 381.925, 400.962, 401.45, 402.402, 403.726, 409.165, 409.973, 420.628, 420.9072, 420.9075, 481.203, 552.30, 556.102, 624.307, 625.091, 627.6387, 627.6648, 641.31076, 647.02, 647.05, 723.079, 784.046, 943.059, 960.28, 1004.6499, 1007.33, 1009.24, 1009.50, 1009.51, 1009.52, 1009.65, 1009.986
S 308 er: 20.058, 20.2551, 39.302, 39.3065, 39.521, 39.6012, 45.035, 70.001, 215.555, 215.985, 220.03, 252.355, 253.0341, 258.3991, 288.9619, 324.021, 364.336, 365.179, 379.2426, 381.925, 400.962, 401.45, 402.402, 403.726, 409.165, 409.973, 420.628, 420.9072, 420.9075, 481.203, 552.30, 556.102, 624.307, 625.091, 627.6387, 627.6648, 641.31076, 647.02, 647.05, 723.079, 784.046, 943.059, 960.28, 1004.6499, 1007.33, 1009.24, 1009.50, 1009.51, 1009.52, 1009.65, 1009.986