This Act strikes the sections of existing law pertaining to merged instruction and apprenticeship programs for cosmetologists and barbers because no schools have applied for approval to conduct merged programs. This Act authorizes transfer of apprentice hours to cosmetology and barbering programs which will accomplish the same purpose as merged programs which are being eliminated. This Act also makes technical changes to existing law to conform to the Legislative Drafting Manual.
Under the Act, shaving certifications are available to cosmetologists or cosmetology instructors who obtain 35 hours of relevant training and authorizes a master barber to obtain a skin and nail certification either through supplemental school instruction or an apprenticeship.
The Act adds lash treatments to the services an aesthetician or cosmetologist may perform in conformity with advancements in those professions.
The Act increases membership in the Board of Cosmetology and Barbering by two and adds shop and school owners or managers as required categories of Board candidates.
The Act also specifies that the 40 hour per week limit of school hours does not include any hours a student is using to make up missed hours.