March 9, 2023
The Honorable Phil Mendelson
Councilof the District of Columbia
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Suite 504
Washington, DC 20004
Dear Chairman Mendelson:
In accordance with section 2 of the Confirmation Act of 1978, effective March 3, 1979 (D.C. Law 2-
142; D.C. Official Code§ 1-523.01), and pursuant to section 4ofthe Commission on the Arts and
Humanities Act, effective October 21, 1975 (D.C. Law1-22; D.C. Official Code § 39-203), I am
pleased to nominate the following person:
Ms. Julianne Brienza
4th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
(Ward 6)
for appointment as a member with experience in arts and humanities organizational administration or
governanceofthe Commission on the Arts and Humanities, replacing Maria Hall Rooney, for a term
ending June 30, 2026.
Enclosed you will find biographical information detailing the experience of Ms. Brienza, together with
a proposed resolution to assist the Council during the confirmation process.
I would appreciate the Council’s earliest considerationof this nomination for confirmation. Please do
not hesitate to contact me, or Steven Walker, Director, Mayor's Office of Talent and Appointments,
should the Council require additional information.
furig| Bowser
hairman Phil Mendelson
at the requestof the Mayor
To confirm the appointment of Ms. Julianne Brienza to the Commission on the Arts and
resolution may be cited as the “Commission on the Arts and Humanities Julianne Brienza
Confirmation Resolution of 2023”.
Sec. 2. The Council of the District of Columbia confirms the reappointment of:
Ms. Julianne Brienza
4th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20024
(Ward 6)
as a member with experience in arts and humanities organizational administration or governance
of the Commission on the Arts and Humanities, established by section 4 of the Commission on
30 the Arts and Humanities Act, effective October 21, 1975 (D.C. Law 1-22; D.C. Official Code
31 a term ending June 30, 2026.
§ 39-203), replacing Maria Hall Rooney, for
32 Sec. 3. The Council ofthe District of Columbia shall transmit a copyofthis resolution,
33 upon its adoption, to the nominee and to the Office of the Mayor.
34 Sec. 4. This resolution shall take effect immediately.
Executive Office of the Mayor- OfficeofTalent and Appointments
John A. Wilson Building | 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 600 | Washington, DC 20004
Julianne Brienza
Julianne Brienza is a disciplined organizational
leader with distinctive experience developing
opportunities for artists, creatives, and
communities that are both significant and
In 2005, she founded Capital Fringe, a DC-based
non-profit with a mission rooted in the freedom,
of expression and earning opportunities for
artists and creatives. Since then, she's served as
driving force for the vision, community presence,
and the growth of the organization's financial
footprint from $300,000 up to $1.7 million, and
increased opportunities and the establishment of
key partnerships and artist-driven programs.
Prior to her role at Capital Fringe, Ms. Brienza created the Mead Theatre Lab Program, a
performing arts program offering intensive production and development assistance for
performing and visual artists, writers, directors, producers, and independent theatre
companies. There, she helped select artists and companies were selected by a community-
led volunteer advisory panel of prominent DC-area arts professionals who also provided
mentoring and professional development throughout the program term. Ms. Brienza has
received numerous awards, including the Distinguished Alumni Award, Collegeof Business,
Performing Arts and Leadership, Viterbo University in 2020, the non-profit CEOofthe Year
from the Washington Business Journal in 2015 and the Visionary Leadership Award at 31st
Annual Mayors Arts Awards in 2015.
A Ward6resident, Ms, Brienza received a Bachelor of Fine Arts - Theatre from Viterbo
CONTACT A disciplined 0} ;anizational leader with distinctive experience develop-
ing opportunitiesfor artists, creatives and communities that are both
significant and sustainable.
Founded Capital Fringe, a DC-based non-profit in 2003 with a mission
rooted in the freedom of expression and earning opportunities for artists
and creatives. Driving vision, community presence and the growth of
NOTABLE AWARDS the or, nizations financial footprint from $300,000 up to $1.7 million
Distinguished Alumni Award, College through increased fundraising, eamed revenue opportunities and the
of Business, Performing Arts and establishment of year-round sustainable artist-driven pr ams.
Leadership, Viterbo University 2020
Non-Profit CEOofthe Year
Washington Business journal, 2015
Visionary Leadership Award Created the Mead Theatre Lab Program, a performing arts program
3st Anmual Mayors Arts: Awards offering intensive production and development assistance for performing
Honorable Mayor Bowser,2015 andvisual artists, writers, directors, producers, and independent theatre
companies. Selected artists were recommended by a community-led
Innovative Leadership in Theatre volunteer advisory panel of prominent DC-area arts professionals who
Washington Post, Helen Hayes also provided mentoring and professional development throughout the
Award, 2013 program term.The Mead Theatre Lab ran for thirteen years until the sale
ofFlashpoint property in 2016,
Arden Professional Apprenticeship
Philadelphia, PA
Areas ofFocus.
General Management, Fundraising, Created Philadelphia's year-long arts-in-residene
Marketing, Stage-management Elementary School run by Mum Puppettheatre. Established program
and Production curriculum, budget, cash flow statements, and payroll. Drafted grants and
program schedule.This arts- -residency program runing for twenty years.
Viterbo University
La Crosse, WI
Bachelor of Fine dris -Theatre
Magna cum Laude
Minors: Philosophy and Visual Arts
Sister Marie Leon Lacroix
Service Award
Capital Fringe / Washington, DC / 2005 - Present
Community outreach, curation, and producing a mult-day festival fea-
turing over 250 local, national and intemational arists in 10+ venues.
SKILLS Lead and collaborate with a multiisciplinary team of employees,
contactors, volunteers, and consultants of upto 70-100 annually..
+ Producing Leverage mission by forming key partnerships around specific proj-
+ Program DevelopmentManagement ects including Arena Stage, Clark Construction, Douglas Develop-
+ Community Building/Development ment, Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Philips Collection,
*Volunteer Management Sasha Bruce Youthworks, among others.
+ Negotiation Create, execute and manage yearly workplans for Programing, Fun-
*Public Relations drasing, Marketing and Press and Operations.
+Public Speaking Draft and manage annual operating (up to $1.7 million) and capital
Financial Scenario Planning budgets (upto $5 million).
+Change Management
* Strategic, Pragmatic Thinking Two three-year Strategic Plans executed through benchmark tracking
+ Fundraising with Board of Directors.
+ Marketing Print & Digital Serve as the chiefliaisonofthe Board of Directors and committees,
* Graphic Design Print & Digital including Executive, Finance, and Govemance.
CulturalDC /Washington, DC/2003-2005
Worked as part of the leadership team to launch and lead the Flash-
REFERENCES point Arts Incubator Project.
Available upon Request. Created anincubator curriculumandorganized communityart lead-
ers to leadsessions and serve as mentors.
Financial management and grant reporting.
Createdand executed Faciliies Plan: dance studio, 60 seattheate, art
gallery andresident and staff offices.
Created and executed venue rental contracts and policies.
Mum Puppettheatre / Philadelphia, PA
/2002 - 2003
Created program curriculum, recruited and trained teaching arfsts.
Financial management, budgeting, cash flow, and_ payroll
Grantwriting andfundraising.
Lead community meetings from PTA to teachers.
1812 Productions / Philadelphia, PA / 2001 - 2002
Stabilizedtheactor-led company during a seriesof intemal andexter-
nal changes by driving eamed andcontributedrevenue while keeping
the staff and artists focused on the mission.
Created chart of accounts, established accounting practices and de-
veloped departmental budgeting of over $800,000
Created and implementeda diversified media plan for each produc-
tion to more effectively target key audience demographics.
Increased subscriptions by 14% in the 01/02 season
Led process with the Co-Artistic Directors to hire my replacement.
Executive Office of Mayor Muriel Bowser
wk Ok ok
Offfice of the General Counsel to the Mayor =e
Tommy Wells, Steve es
Betsy Cavendish
March 6, 2023
Legal sufficiency review of Resolutions nominating Julianne Brienza and Chase
Maggiano as members of the Commission on the Arts and Humanities
This is to Certify that tnis office has reviewed the above-referenced resolutions and
found them to be legally unobjectionable. If you have any questions in this regard, please do not
hesitate to call Vanessa Careiro, Deputy General Counsel, Executive Officeofthe Mayor, at
202-724-1303, or me at 202-724-7681.
Elizabeth A. (Betsy) Cavendish
‘The John A. Wilson Building+ 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW -Suile 300» Washingion, DC. 20004> Office (202) 724-7681