Raised Bill No. 433 is designed to enhance diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) within various state government departments by establishing DEI Divisions, effective October 1, 2024. These divisions will be led by directors responsible for coordinating equity initiatives, developing equity plans, evaluating policies, and focusing on underserved communities. The bill requires each department to create an annual equity action plan by October 1, 2026, detailing DEI goals, accountability measures, and progress reports. These plans must be publicly accessible on department websites. Additionally, the bill emphasizes the importance of collecting and analyzing demographic data on job applicants and the use of diverse hiring panels to ensure a more inclusive recruitment process.

The bill also introduces requirements for standardized DEI training programs for all new employees, with a focus on unconscious bias, communication, and inclusivity, to be completed within six months of their start date, prioritizing supervisory staff. From July 1, 2025, all employees must undergo a minimum of four hours of annual DEI training. The bill encourages engagement with underserved communities and the hiring or training of multilingual staff. Furthermore, it mandates that bidders on state contracts report workforce diversity and demonstrate a commitment to equity, with similar requirements for proposers and responding firms. The bill, which includes new sections (Sections 1 through 8) and amendments to existing sections (Sections 9 through 11), is set to take effect on October 1, 2024, and introduces a new formatting for legal changes: insertions are underlined, and deletions are bracketed, unless the text is entirely new.