The bill, identified as Substitute House Bill No. 5412 with File No. 452, concerns the identification and citizenship status information requested when obtaining a marriage license. The bill proposes changes to the current law, which will take effect on October 1, 2024. The key amendments include the removal of the requirement for marriage license applicants to provide their Social Security numbers, which was previously recorded in the "administrative purposes" section of the license. Instead, the new language allows applicants to choose whether to provide their Social Security number for identification purposes. If an applicant opts to provide this information, the registrar is then required to record it.
Additionally, the bill prohibits registrars from requiring an applicant to provide their Social Security number and from inquiring about an applicant's citizenship or immigration status. These changes are reflected in the repeal and substitution of language in Section 46b-25 of the general statutes and the related subsection (a) of section 17b-137a of the general statutes. The bill also includes a fiscal note indicating that there is no anticipated fiscal impact on the state or municipalities, as it is not expected to change the number of individuals seeking marriage licenses annually. The effective date for these changes is October 1, 2024.
Statutes affected: Raised Bill:
JUD Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 452: