Raised Bill No. 5394 proposes amendments to the statutes governing the Metropolitan District of Hartford County, focusing on the audit process, governance, and ethical standards. The bill introduces gender-neutral language and allows for the delegation of salary and duty assignments. It mandates that the Auditors of Public Accounts conduct annual audits of the district's accounts, a change from the previous biennial requirement, and requires these audits to be submitted to the Office of Fiscal Analysis. The bill also addresses the issuance of bonds, clarifying that bonds payable from specific revenues do not count towards municipal indebtedness limits and removing audit costs from bond coverage. Additionally, it sets the terms for the chairman and vice-chairman of various committees and commissions to two years, post-fiscal year of their appointment.

The bill establishes a task force to review the Metropolitan District's charter and operations, with a report due by January 1, 2026, and requires the adoption of a model code of ethics by the same date. It revises the composition of the district board, detailing the appointment process and term lengths for members, and allows nonmember municipalities to appoint nonvoting members who, starting July 1, 2024, may vote on water rates. The bill is set to take effect on July 1, 2024, and includes new legal language without underlining for entirely new sections, indicating no deletions from the current law.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 2-90, 7-391