Substitute House Bill No. 5335, effective October 1, 2024, is designed to promote the development of middle housing, which includes duplexes, triplexes, quadplexes, cottage clusters, and townhouses. The bill amends Section 8-1a of the general statutes by adding and redefining terms such as "accessory apartment," "affordable accessory apartment," "as of right," "cottage cluster," and "live work unit." It allows for the as-of-right development of middle housing on lots with public sewage and water systems, meaning such developments can be approved without discretionary zoning action. Additionally, the bill modifies Section 8-30g to award municipalities one-quarter housing unit-equivalent point for each middle housing unit for which a certificate of occupancy is issued, incentivizing the adoption of zoning regulations that facilitate middle housing development.

The bill also includes a fiscal impact statement suggesting potential savings for municipalities from FY 25 due to reduced legal costs associated with achieving a moratorium on affordable housing requirements. The definitions are expanded to clarify the types of housing included under middle housing and to introduce the concept of "live work units," which are spaces used for both commercial and residential purposes. The Housing Committee has given the bill a Joint Favorable report, indicating support for the legislation.