Senate Bill No. 227, also known as File No. 196, is a legislative proposal that mandates all municipalities in the state to register a ".gov" Internet top-level domain for their official websites with the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency within the United States Department of Homeland Security by July 1, 2026. This requirement applies regardless of any existing municipal charters, special acts, or home rule ordinances. Once registered, municipalities must redirect any existing web addresses to the new ".gov" domain or discontinue their use. The term "municipality" is defined as in section 7-479a of the general statutes. This act is to take effect upon passage and introduces a new section to the law.

The fiscal impact statement and bill analysis indicate that there is no registration cost for eligible entities to obtain a ".gov" domain. However, there may be potential costs for municipalities, particularly in fiscal year 2025, if they lack the necessary staff to facilitate the transition to a ".gov" domain. As of the bill's writing, 116 out of Connecticut's 169 municipalities do not have a ".gov" domain and would need to register for one. For municipalities without the resources to complete the transition, there is a federal grant program available to assist with the process. The bill has no state fiscal impact and no municipal impact for those that already use a .gov domain or have the staff to manage the transition. The bill was reported favorably by the Planning and Development Committee with a vote of 21 to 0 on March 15, 2024.