This bill, Raised Bill No. 6884, aims to address the recruitment, retention, and enhancement of the teaching profession. It includes provisions related to teacher salaries, tax credits for educators, retirement benefits, and teacher preparation programs. The bill requires that collective bargaining agreements establish a minimum salary for teachers that is at least four times the federal poverty level. It also allows for a tax credit for educators and enhances retirement benefits for teachers. Additionally, the bill eliminates a preservice performance assessment and replaces it with a new assessment developed by education officials. It also amends the reasons for terminating the contract of employment for a tenured teacher.

This bill, Raised Bill No. 6884, makes changes to the process for terminating a teacher's contract. It allows for a hearing with the local or regional board of education if a teacher's contract is terminated. The bill also repeals and replaces a section of the general statutes related to an arbitration panel for disputes between boards of education and teachers' or administrators' units. The new section allows for mediation and specifies the process for selecting a mediator. The bill also makes changes to the arbitration process, including the timeline for commencing arbitration and the selection of an arbitrator.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 10-183g, 10-153f, 10-15c, 10-1