Senate Bill No. 1165 amends current law regarding high school graduation requirements and the program of instruction offered in public schools. The bill increases the number of credits required for graduation, adds new subject matter to the curriculum, and allows for exemptions from certain requirements for students with disabilities. It also requires local and regional boards of education to provide student support and remedial services, create student success plans, and attest to offering the required program of instruction. The bill includes provisions for awarding diplomas to veterans, individuals who assisted in the war effort during World War II, and students educated under the oversight of the Department of Children and Families. It also allows for the affixing of the Connecticut State Seal of Biliteracy to diplomas for students who have achieved proficiency in English and one or more foreign languages. The bill aims to improve student success and provide a comprehensive education for all students.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 10-221a, 10-16b
ED Joint Favorable: 10-221a, 10-16b
File No. 257: 10-221a, 10-16b
APP Joint Favorable: 10-221a, 10-16b
Public Act No. 23-21: 10-221a, 10-16b