This bill, sHB6730, repeals and replaces Section 4-28f of the general statutes to make changes to the governance and funding priorities of the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund. The bill expands the types of tobacco and nicotine products that the trust fund will support the reduction in use of, including combustible, noncombustible, electronic, and synthetic tobacco and nicotine products. It also requires that funding be directed to programs that use evidence-based best practices for various objectives, such as state and community interventions and surveillance and evaluation. The bill also requires the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund board to give priority to comprehensive tobacco and nicotine control programs, such as preventing first use of these products by youth and young adults and identifying and eliminating tobacco and nicotine-related disparities. The bill also makes changes to the board's vacancies and the biennial report that must be submitted. Overall, this bill aims to update and improve the governance and funding priorities of the Tobacco and Health Trust Fund to better address the reduction of tobacco and nicotine use in all forms.

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 4-28f
PH Joint Favorable Substitute: 4-28f
File No. 406: 4-28f