This bill requires the Department of Economic and Community Development (DECD) to hire a consultant to support the creation of a historic preservation toolkit website. The Connecticut Trust for Historic Preservation will host and maintain the toolkit on its website starting on June 30, 2024. The bill also authorizes DECD to issue a request for proposals to study the feasibility of establishing a historic preservation revolving loan program. The study may examine various aspects of the program, including potential borrowers, permitted uses of funds, program administration, and funding requirements. The bill appropriates $50,000 to DECD from the General Fund in FY 24 for these purposes.

The bill aims to support historic preservation efforts in Connecticut by providing resources and information through the creation of a toolkit website. It also explores the feasibility of establishing a revolving loan program to further support historic preservation projects. The bill appropriates funding for these initiatives and requires the submission of a report on the study's results to the Commerce committee.