Environment Committee
Bill No.: SB-119
Vote Date: 3/4/2022
Vote Action: Joint Favorable
PH Date: 2/25/2022
File No.: 67
Disclaimer: The following JOINT FAVORABLE Report is prepared for the benefit of the
members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and
explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber
thereof for any purpose.
Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist. Rep. Michael A. Windler, 56th Dist.
Rep. Geraldo C. Reyes, 75th Dist.
To authorize the Treasurer to invest funds on behalf of municipalities that establish Coastal
Resiliency Reserve Funds and to require the Department of Energy and Environmental
Protection to maximize the state's receipt of federal funds for climate resiliency projects
undertaken by the state and municipalities.
Katie Dykes, Commissioner ,DEEP
DEEP fully supports the concept in Sections 1 and 2 of this bill and supports Section 3 in
part. Although DEEP is not in a position to prepare and submit applications on behalf of
municipalities, the agency is exploring our ability, within available resources , to coordinate
with municipalities to facilitate their navigation of federal resilience funding opportunities.
DEEP supports the concept that the state should identify federal funding opportunities and
provide assistance to municipalities for their application process, including notification of the
availability of funds. DEEP regularly uses its communication outlets to notify eligible entities
about grant funding opportunities and serves as a bridge between our federal partners and
municipal government.
Shawn T. Wooden, Treasurer, State of Connecticut
I'm supportive of this concept and acknowledge the need to fund climate resiliency projects, I
request additional language to ensure that the investment objectives and expectations
regarding risk tolerance and liquidity needs of municipalities are established before my office
accepts any funds. The following substitute. language would achieve this: "Municipalities
shall establish an investment policy statement in consultation with the Office of the Treasurer,
which shall include, but not be limited to, the municipality's unique needs for funding, risk
tolerance, and investment time horizon."
David Anderson, Land Campaigns Manager, Save the Sound
Save the Sound supports the establishment of a State Treasury-supported investment option
for municipal Climate Change and Coastal Resiliency Reserve Funds, as will as the directive
for DEEP to maximize the state's receipt of federal funding designated for state and municipal
projects intended to increase resiliency to the effects of climate change.
Patrick M Comins, Executive Director, The Connecticut Audubon Society
SB 119 would provide additional resources to natural resource and civil planners to help our
habitats to be as resilient as possible in the face of rising sea levels and changing climate.
Matt Macunas, Legislative Liaison and Associate Director of Regulatory Policy, Green
Green Bank supports SB119 and would like to acknowledge the innovation and leadership of
Branford in advocating for the bipartisan passage of Public Act 19-77 "An Act Authorizing
Municipal Climate Change and Coastal Resiliency Reserve Funds" and establishing the first
Coastal Resiliency Fund in Connecticut.
James B. Cosgrove, First Selectman, Town of Branford
We support the Office of the State Treasurer performing the role of investment manager for
communities, but the committee should also explore the establishment state climate change
and coastal resiliency fund. Additionally the state can make its resiliency fund available to
municipalities and political subdivisions which would achieve one of the intended benefits of
Nathan Frohling, Director of External Affairs, The Nature Conservancy
We are pleased to support SB 119 for advancing the causing of climate resiliency in CT.
Betsy Gara, Executive Director, COST
SB119 would relieve municipalities of the administrative burden associated with managing
climate resiliency reserve funds. It would also provide municipalities with the opportunity to
enhance their investment while mitigating risk in the long-term.
Eric Hammerling, Executive Director, Connecticut Forest & Park Association
This bill is particularly important to do in order to leverage resources for climate resilience and
other local environmental priorities at same time that municipal, state, and federal resilience
dollars are expected to increase dramatically. We also appreciate the encouragement for
DEEP to maximize existing and future opportunities to utilize available federal resources for
these purposes.
Donna Hamzy Carroccia, Advocacy Manager of CCM
CCM encourages the Committee to support SB 119.
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Robert LaFrance, Director of Policy, Audubon Connecticut
They support SB 119 and are extremely encouraged by the introduction of Section 3.Sections
1 and 2 would implement Recommendation 56 and strongly support them.
Amy Blaymore Paterson, Executive Director, Connecticut Land Conservation Council
CLCC supports SB 119 which would allow monies held in municipal Climate Change and
Coastal Resiliency Reserve Funds to be invested in trust funds administered, held or
invested by the State Treasurer.
None Expressed
Reported by: Judith Ganswindt Date: March 31, 2022
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