Legislative Office Building, Room 5200
Hartford, CT 06106 (860) 240-0200
As Amended by House "B" (LCO 10604)
OFA Fiscal Note
State Impact:
Agency Affected Fund-Effect FY 22 $ FY 23 $
Resources of the Special TF - Revenue None See Below
Transportation Fund Gain
Resources of the Special TF - Cost None Up to
Transportation Fund 450,000
State Comptroller - Fringe TF - Cost None Up to
Benefits1 185,850
Note: TF=Transportation Fund
Municipal Impact: None
The bill imposes a highway user fee on all motor vehicles, other
than certain dairy trucks, that 1) have a gross weight of 26,000 pounds
or more and 2) are between Class 8 and Class 13, inclusive, under the
Federal Highway Administration vehicle classification system. The fee
will take effect on January 1, 2023 and is anticipated to generate $45
million in new revenue in FY 23 and $90 million annually thereafter,
increasing by inflation. This estimate does not explicitly account for
the dairy factor exclusion which may reduce revenue gain accordingly.
The bill also results in a cost of up to $635,850 in FY 23 for salary
and fringe benefit costs associated with up to seven new positions
1The fringe benefit costs for most state employees are budgeted centrally in accounts
administered by the Comptroller. The estimated active employee fringe benefit cost
associated with most personnel changes is 41.3% of payroll in FY 22 and FY 23.
Primary Analyst: PM 6/9/21
Contributing Analyst(s):
Reviewer: MM
2021HB-06688-R01-FN.DOCX Page 2 of 2
required for program implementation.
House "B" exempts certain dairy trucks from the bill and results in
the fiscal impact described above.
The Out Years
The annualized ongoing fiscal impact identified above would
continue into the future subject to inflation, as described above.
The preceding Fiscal Impact statement is prepared for the benefit of the members of the General Assembly,
solely for the purposes of information, summarization and explanation and does not represent the intent of the
General Assembly or either chamber thereof for any purpose. In general, fiscal impacts are based upon a variety
of informational sources, including the analysts professional knowledge. Whenever applicable, agency data is
consulted as part of the analysis, however final products do not necessarily reflect an assessment from any
specific department.