Insurance and Real Estate Committee
Bill No.: HB-6589
Vote Date: 3/22/2021
Vote Action: Joint Favorable Substitute
PH Date: 3/18/2021
File No.:
Disclaimer: The following JOINT FAVORABLE Report is prepared for the benefit of the
members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and
explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber
thereof for any purpose.
Insurance and Real Estate Committee
The proposed bill will specify the circumstances in which a health carrier, or a health carrier's
contractor or subcontractor, may enter into a contract with a third party for the purpose of
providing the third party with access to a participating dental provider contract. The current
practice of network leasing allows insurance companies to lease out contracts with dentists
without informing the dentists and will introduce transparency to the practice.
Language added to include electronic means as a form of written communication. Language
was removed to reflect insurance companies not having to agree to terms concerning patient
None Expressed
American Council of Life Insurers: ACLI testified requesting language changes which are
reflected in the proposed substitute. They testified that with these changes, they are in
support of the bill.
Allison Baylis, Connecticut Dentist: testified that HB 6589 will improve transparency
among dentists, insurance companies, and patients.
Jeffrey Berkley, Connecticut Dentist: testified that network leasing complicates
communication with patients about procedure pricing and HB 6589 will increase
Nicole Brasil Becker, Connecticut Dentist stated that network leasing prevents dentists
from giving patients accurate cost estimates, which can affect whether or not patients can
have necessary procedures. HB 6589 will increase transparency.
Mimi DeLessio-Matta, Connecticut Dentist: testified that HB 6589 will provide necessary
transparency which will benefit dental patients.
Denise Benedetto, Connecticut Resident: stated that network leasing complicates patient
payment for dental procedures and causes patients to lose faith in dental offices.
Brian Evans, Connecticut Dentist: testified that HB 6589 will provide protections for
dentists and increase transparency.
David Fried, Connecticut Dentist stated that patients would often arrive at his practice with
obscure insurance plans and claim that his office was on the insurance companys list of
covered dentists. These situations were caused by network leasing and would cause financial
complications. He also recommended an amendment to prevent insurance companies from
grandfathering in previously networked dentists without new contracts being signed.
Jonathan Goldberg, Connecticut Dentist: testified that network leasing impacts the
benefits available to patients. Nearly 20 states already have laws similar to HB 6589.
Jonathan Knapp, Co-Chair of Legislative Council, Connecticut State Dental
Association: testified that network leasing forces dentists to obey the terms of one contract
to numerous entities without a chance to negotiate or refuse the terms. HB 6589 will
introduce transparency that will benefit consumers.
Tam Le, President, Connecticut State Dental Association: testified that the lack of
transparency present in network leasing causes confusion and difficulties for dentists and
their patients.
N. Summer Lerch, Connecticut Dentist: testified that network leasing flies in the face of
democracy. Dentists are expected to offer services at rates they never agreed to because
another company leased out their services without notification.
John J. Mooney, Connecticut Dentist: feels that network leasing is fundamentally un-
William Nash, Connecticut Dentist: testified that due to network leasing, he is expected to
accept patients whose insurance reimbursement rates are so low that he would lose money
by accepting them as a patient. HB 6589 will force insurance companies to communicate with
dentists and thereby improve transparency.
Al Natelli, Connecticut Dentist: testified that network leasing allows insurance companies
to lease out dentists without their knowledge. HB 6589 will solve this problem.
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Richard Riddle, Co-Chair of Legislative Council, Connecticut State Dental Association:
testified that network leasing negatively affects dental patients. Legislation like HB 6589 has
passed in 20 states. This bill will allow for much-needed transparency.
Mark T. Ryan, Connecticut Dentist: testified his support for HB 6589.
Jennifer You, Connecticut Dentist: stated that network leasing is unfair to practice owners
and puts patients at risk. HB 6589 will increase transparency and allow dentists to treat
patients to the best of their ability.
Connecticut Association of Health Plans: testified that network leasing provides value for
employers, providers, and consumers. They urge legislators to oppose HB 6589 because
network leasing benefits consumers by keeping prices low.
Reported by: Mallory Ferrick Date: April 1, 2021
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Statutes affected:
Raised Bill:
INS Joint Favorable Substitute:
File No. 345:
Public Act No. 21-187: