Energy and Technology Committee
Bill No.: SB-952
Vote Date: 3/18/2021
Vote Action: Joint Favorable Substitute
PH Date: 3/4/2021
File No.:
Disclaimer: The following JOINT FAVORABLE Report is prepared for the benefit of the
members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and
explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber
thereof for any purpose.
Rep. David Michel, 146th Dist.
This bill would authorize DEEP and PURA to evaluate and approve proposals that
Eversource and United Illuminating Company to construct and operate solar generation
Marissa P. Gillett, Chairman (PURA) supports sections 1 and 2 of SB 952. The Authority is
currently investigating the development of a statewide electric storage program for residential
and non-residential participants as part of PURAs Framework for an Equitable Modern Grid.
In Section 3, subsection (c), PURA respectfully requests the following modifications in
bolded language:
Any agreement entered into pursuant to this section shall be subject to review and approval
by the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority [which review shall be completed not later than
one hundred twenty days after the date on which such agreement is filed with the
In Section 5, subsection (e), PURA respectfully requests the following modifications in
bolded language:
(2) The Public Utilities Regulatory Authority may authorize an electric distribution company to
recover its prudently incurred costs and investments for any solar power electrical generation
facility, as described in this subsection, such electric distribution company builds, owns or
operates through a fully reconciling component of electric rates for all customers of electric
distribution companies, [until the electric distribution company's next rate case, at which
time such costs and investments shall be recoverable through base distribution rates]
consistent with the principles set forth in sections 16-19 and 16-19e.
Michael J. Ausere-Vice President for Business Development for Eversource Energy is
in support of SB 952 because Section 5 of the Bill authorizes the Department of Energy and
Environmental Protection (DEEP) and the Public Utilities Regulatory Authority (PURA) to
evaluate proposals our States two closely-regulated electric distribution companies (EDCs),
Eversource and The United Illuminating Company (UI), to construct and operate solar
generation facilities
Jeff Bishop, and I am the co-founder and CEO of Key Capture Energy supports SB 952
for the following reasons:
Establishing an energy storage target with interim goals is an effective way to develop
the storage market in Connecticut. Clear markets bring developers to the table to
Resource diversity in Public Utility Regulatory Authority (PURA or the Authority)
storage programs will lower costs and advance development of Connecticuts energy
storage market
Demand charges for front-of-the-meter, distribution-interconnected storage make
distribution connected storage uneconomic in Connecticut today and need to be fixed
The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP or the
Department) should run a procurement to start learning by doing to meet
Connecticuts ambitious clean energy goals
Julian Boggs-State Policy Director, Energy Storage Association supports SB 952
because it includes accountability and transparency mechanisms to ensure progress towards
the 1,000 MW by 2030 target, including interim targets of 300 MW by 2024 and 650 MW by
Chelsea Gazillo-Director of the Working Lands Alliance opposes SB 952 because the
acceleration of large-scale solar arrays on farmland threatens the states efforts to protect
farmland with conservation easements from development.
Eric Hammerling-Executive Director of the Connecticut Forest & Park Association
opposes Section 10 of SB 952 because for the last several years, the Department of Energy
& Environmental Protection and the Department of Agriculture have worked to balance the
need for more renewable energy with avoiding the damage that its development can cause to
farmland soils as well as to forests and water quality.
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Section 10 of SB 952 would heavily tip this balance toward solar energy development over
farmland and forest protection, and we believe this is unnecessary as well as being bad
policy especially considering our states policy to protect farmland and the potential for
farmland soils and forests to sequester and store carbon to help mitigate climate change.
Reported by: Jason Snukis Date: April 5, 2021
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Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 16-244v