Environment Committee
Bill No.: HB-6501
Vote Date: 3/12/2021
Vote Action: Joint Favorable Substitute
PH Date: 3/3/2021
File No.:
Disclaimer: The following JOINT FAVORABLE Report is prepared for the benefit of the
members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and
explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber
thereof for any purpose.
Environment Committee
The Governor's intent is to adjust regulations, environmental and conservation programs in
the most effective and efficient manner in the effective management of Connecticut's
resources by the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP).
Katie S. Dykes, Commissioner, Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
The Governor has made eleven recommendations for certain programs to improve
transparency, efficiency to improve agency resources and compliance.
1) Streamlines several wastewater certifications and operator exams. Transfers operator
certification renewal program to the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control
2) Eliminates a requirement that a member of the Nitrogen Credit Advisory board be a
representative from a municipality of less than twenty thousand that purchases
nitrogen credits. Only Beacon Falls, Seymour and Killingly meet this requirement.
3) Clarifies aquaculture structures approved by the Army Corp of Engineers are exempt
from state permits under sections 22a-359 through 22a-363f.
4) Repeals the requirement of municipalities obtain approval from DEEP for a noise
control ordinance.
5) Minor revision to add authority of DEEP to implement federal requirements through
Title V operating permits for certain incineration sources. The alternative is a lengthy
and resource intensive process without the requested statutory authority. With the
increased authority, DEEP does not require additional resources.
6) Revision to CGS Section 23-37(d) eliminates conflict with statutes Section 23-35 and
Section 23-55. Current statutes limit Connecticut's Fire Warden in providing resources
to the Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Pact. Expansion of the reference "in this
state" to include all members of the fire protection compact restores the agreement to
its intended framework for Connecticut to address catastrophic forest fires.
7) Revision to CGS Section 23-53, addition of Article XV allows for the exchange of forest
fire protection and control resources beyond the northeast. Maintains reciprocal liability
provisions to cover any lawfully incurred expenses in the exercise of forest fire
protection services from out of state providers.
8) Proposed change would allow the holder of a pesticide certification that has lapsed for
less than one year to renew their certification without re-examination and to establish
late fees for such late renewal.
9) Current regulations are renewal of pesticide product registration every five years
based on the first letter of the registrant's name. The current schedule is confusing for
the registrants and puts a large resource requirement on the staff.
Proposed change provides DEEP the resilience to register, renew and collect
registration fees on a yearly basis.
10) Many individual permits have annual fees. Proposed change establishes authority to
set General Permits with annual fee. Streamlines the process for the regulated
entities by NOT requiring a large application fee. Proposed process is revenue
11) Proposed change requires that a petition for hearing designate a person authorized to
withdraw that petition in the event discussions between that person and DEEP resolve
the issues that triggered the petition. Position ensures this applies to all cases.
Proposed change promotes resolution of change and reduction of significant
resources for current hearing process.
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Thomas Brady, Executive Director, Northeastern Fire Protection Commission
Northeastern Forest Fire Protection Commission (NFFPC) supports the recommended
changes to CGS Section 23-53 and inserting Article XV liability provisions to other Forest Fire
It is critical that each state be able to bring to bear their full capacity in assisting others
during emergency response. This includes the ability to utilize temporary emergency
workers that can assist outside the state. It also includes the ability to share resources
among other Forest Fire Compacts and be afforded the same liability protections as
within its own member Compact.
Rachel Holmes M.Div. M.F, Connecticut Interstate Fire Crew Member
The proposed changes allow Connecticut as an active participant in protecting the national
forest resources in all eight Fire Compacts.
This proposed legislation will ensure my ability to return home to my family and loved
ones alive and safe, and protect the health and well-being of the American people.
Eric Hammerling, Executive Director, Connecticut Forest & Park Association
The Connecticut Professional Timber Producers Association and the Connecticut Forest &
Park Association strongly support HB6501 sections 6 and 7 to enable Connecticut to rapidly
respond to forest fires and across northeastern states.
Brennan Sheahan, President, Connecticut Professional Timber Producers Association
Proposed changes are not controversial and clarifies language to help to respond quickly in
the event of a forest fire.
Alan Olenick, member Connecticut Interstate Fire Crew
Supports proposed changes to HB6501 sections 6 and 7. Allows DEEP management to
legally acquire resources, local and out of state firefighters if the need is required.
Ralph Scarpino, Retired Supervisor of Forest Protection, Department of Energy and
Environmental Protection
Supports proposed changes to HB6501 sections 6 and 7. Proposed changes allow for every
state to be able to assist their neighbors and fellow states with their complete capabilities and
allows Connecticut flexibility to use its full capabilities.
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Reported by: Steve Smith Date: 3/22/2021
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Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 23-53
ENV Joint Favorable Substitute: 23-53
File No. 208: 23-53