Aging Committee
Bill No.: SB-899
Vote Date: 3/11/2021
Vote Action: Joint Favorable Substitute
PH Date: 2/23/2021
File No.:
Disclaimer: The following JOINT FAVORABLE Report is prepared for the benefit of the
members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and
explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber
thereof for any purpose.
Aging Committee
Elder abuse is a real and serious problem and currently sex offenders may locate near senior
centers and other facilities housing or serving our senior population. The bill adds senior
centers and other facilities serving or housing senior citizens to those notified of sex
offenders in their neighborhoods and provides education to senior citizens on how to protect
themselves from the threat of sex offenders.
The JFS language deleted new language that senior centers and other facilities serving, or
housing seniors be specifically notified if a sex offender moves into the area. The community
response education program already exists under current law; seniors were specifically
added to those in the community who would receive such education. The statute states
resources may be added for such programs, the new language makes clear that such
resources may be added for senior specific programs. There is no mandate, as in current
statute, to provide these resources.
Senator Cathy Osten, Connecticut General Assembly: She offered testimony in support of
this proposal and believes that this will enhance senior safety zones in order to prohibit
registered sex offenders from visiting or living in proximity to our seniors.
Michael Werner, Attorney, Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and
Opportunity: They offered testimony in support of this bill. They point out that SA 14-20 was
passed, and the Commission on Aging submitted the Report of the Senior Safety Zone Task
Force in January 2015.
The Report of the Senior Safety Zone Task Force: The entire Report was submitted as
testimony to support this bill which includes a September 2014 report issued by the Office of
Legislative research.
Connecticut Conference of Municipalities: They support this bill but find the language in
lines 47-49 to be an unnecessary mandate and a redundant step in the notification process.
Cindy Prizio, Executive Director, One Standard of Justice: They offered testimony in
opposition to this bill. Studies have shown that sexual recidivism is low, and it is just as
unlikely that most people will sexually reoffend and the longer they are offense free the less
likely they will reoffend. An approach without public notification schemes can protect our
citizens and creature safe communities.
Kathleen Flaherty, Executive Director, Connecticut Legal Rights Project, Inc.: They are
opposed to this bill and state the current law permits the disclosure to senior centers and
there is no need to amend the law to specifically included seniors' centers and other facilities
that serve or house senior citizens. They do not object to the development of community
education materials.
Kelly McConney Moore, Senior Policy Counsel, ACLU of Connecticut: Elder abuse is a
real and serious problem and elder sexual abuse is an underreported and causes serious
harm to seniors. They believe the solutions proposed by this bill are based on fear and not
facts and provide a policy that will not reduce harm to elders but instead will create false
security in seniors. Sex offenders' registries can also constitute an additional extrajudicial
form of punishment and can lead to retaliation against people who are trying to rehabilitate
themselves. They are convinced that the more difficult we make social reintegration for
people who have been convicted of crimes, the less safe our communities will be. The use of
registries should not be expanded absent evidence that the registry would lead to a reduction
in community harm and based on the data they have seen there is no such evidence.
Reported by: Richard Ferrari, Assistant Clerk Date: 3/23/2021
Richard ONeil, Assistant Clerk
Joe Perkus, Clerk
Page 2 of 2 SB-899

Statutes affected:
Raised Bill: 54-258, 54-261
AGE Joint Favorable Substitute: 54-261
File No. 187: 54-261