Transportation Committee
Bill No.: SB-608
Vote Date: 3/10/2021
Vote Action: Joint Favorable Substitute
PH Date: 3/8/2021
File No.:
Disclaimer: The following JOINT FAVORABLE Report is prepared for the benefit of the
members of the General Assembly, solely for purposes of information, summarization and
explanation and does not represent the intent of the General Assembly or either chamber
thereof for any purpose.
Transportation Committee
To address the growing number of traffic related incidents surrounding frozen dessert trucks.
This legislation was submitted in response to an incident that occurred last summer in
Cheshire which resulted in the death of an 11 year old child.
No agency response submitted.
Christi Carrano, mother of Tristan Barhorst: "As some of you know, Tyler and I lost our
beautiful son Tristan Barhorst on June 12th, 2020 when he was struck by a motor vehicle after
having purchased ice cream from an ice cream truckit is certainly feasible for the state to
prohibit ice cream trucks from stopping in positions that would require children to cross travel
lanes when approaching and returning from the ice cream truck.
A number of Cheshire parents and community members: "As members of the legislature,
you have the ability to change lives and protect the safety of Connecticut children, families,
drivers and the small business owners that this law provides guidance for. I urge you to
support SB Bill No. 608 and further identify this bill as Tristans Law to honor the most
amazing and incredible soul that was lost. Thank you for your time, energy and consideration
in raising this bill."
Michelle Bozzuto, Mother of two, friend of the Barhorst family: " If the ice-cream truck
had been using some type of caution warning system, such as a signal arm, flashing stop
sign, flashing lights or parked on the right side of the road. I feel this tragic event would have
been avoided. The ice-cream truck involved in this incident had some of the features however
were not being used at the time of the accident. This new bill would require all ice-cream
truck operators to activate this equipment and protect children while doing something they
love and avoid further tragedy for other families"
Craig Fishbein, 90th House District, and Paul Cicarella, 34th Senate District: " We drafted
this bill in response to last year's horrific death of Tristan Barhorst, a 10-year-old boy whom
was hit by a passing vehicle after purchasing ice cream from an ice cream truck, and a
similar incident in Hamden the year before that left a child with injury to the head, collar bone,
and both legs. No child or family should have to endure this pain. As such, this bill seeks to
increase the safety of children when purchasing food items from frozen dessert trucks,
thereby curtailing similar, preventable loss of life and injury going forward."
Molly Johnson, mother, Cheshire: " My son was a classmate of Tristans since Pre-K.
Tristan was the sweetest kid there was and its a tragedy that he is no longer with us Most
ice cream trucks are already equipped with lights and a slow/stop signal. We are asking that
they be required to use them when there are kids in the area. Children need to be protected
and we need the support of the legislative to help add another level of protection."
Nicole Klarides-Ditra, 105th House District: " I urge the committee to vote favorably on
Senate Bill 608 to help keep children safe when they are buying ice cream so that they can
make the memory of a sweet treat on a hot summer day be a happy and safe one."
The Reverend Jeffrey V. Romans, Pastor, Saint Bridget of Sweden Parish, Cheshire:
"As we continue to work through this tremendous loss, and do our best to continue to honor
Tristan's memory while we carry on each day without his smile and presence among us, I
implore you all, as members of the legislature, to act and pass this proposed SB Bill Number
608 so no community ever has to experience such a horrific event in the future."
Elycia Solimene, Mother of 4, Attorney and Business Owner: " Tristans death could
have been prevented. This proposed legislation is necessary to protect other children from
getting injured. It is negligent not to do anything about this gap in the law. The State has an
obligation to protect its children and at the very least pass something that requires ice cream
trucks to use stop arms and hazard lights to warn passing vehicles to slow down and be
aware of children."
Kate Westrin, Mother, Branford: "To the extent that our governments responsibility is to
promote the safety and well being of our citizens, I can think of no greater use of that power
than to enact common sense legislation to safeguard our children. I am grateful to the
sponsors of this bill and I support this legislation whole heartedly."
No submitted opposition.
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Reported by: Justin Kaiser Date: 3/19/2021
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Statutes affected:
Public Act No. 21-20: 21-37