The act requires an applicant for an overweight motor vehicle permit to provide third-party documentation establishing the gross weight of the load if the permit application is for a vehicle and load combination that weighs at least 200,000 pounds and less than 500,000 pounds. The carrier is required to carry the documentation in the vehicle during the permitted move and produce the documentation for any state agency or law enforcement personnel. In addition to any other penalty, a driver who violates this provision is subject to a penalty of one dollar per pound in excess of the gross weight authorized by the permit.
The act authorizes the department of transportation to issue a single-use overweight or oversize state permit or local permit on an expedited basis to help in an emergency. If the permit is a local permit, the applicant and the executive director of the department of transportation, or the executive director's designee, are required to make a reasonable attempt to contact and obtain the approval of the local authorities. If the department of transportation is unable to contact or obtain the approval of the local authority within a reasonable amount of time, the department of transportation may issue the local permit. If the permitted vehicle needs a law enforcement escort, the department of transportation must obtain the approval of the state patrol. The local permit fees must be collected and remitted to the local authorities.
APPROVED by Governor May 31, 2024
EFFECTIVE August 7, 2024(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (04/30/2024): 42-4-510
Introduced (04/25/2024): 42-4-510
Engrossed (05/01/2024): 42-4-510
Reengrossed (05/02/2024): 42-4-510
Revised (05/05/2024): 42-4-510
Rerevised (05/06/2024): 42-4-510
Final Act (05/13/2024): 42-4-510
Signed Act (05/31/2024): 42-4-510