The Colorado interagency working group on school safety (working group) is scheduled to repeal on September 1, 2022. The act continues the working group indefinitely and requires the department of public safety to convene the first meeting of the working group no later than December 31, 2022.
The act appropriates $100,000 from the general fund to the department of public safety for the working group.
(Note: This summary applies to this bill as enacted.)

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Statutes affected:
Preamended PA1 (04/05/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Preamended PA2 (05/09/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Introduced (02/28/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Engrossed (04/05/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Reengrossed (04/06/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Revised (05/09/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Rerevised (05/10/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Final Act (05/25/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102
Signed Act (06/09/2022): 2-3-1203, 24-25-102