Existing law establishes the State Board of Education, and requires the state board to adopt rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of the state, to govern the public elementary and secondary schools of the state. Existing law requires the state board to determine all questions of policy within its powers. Pursuant to these powers, the state board has adopted a policy known as the California English Learner Roadmap State Board of Education Policy: Educational Programs and Services for English Learners, also known as the EL Roadmap Policy, for the stated purpose of assisting the State Department of Education in providing guidance to local educational agencies with respect to educating English learners attending California public schools.
This bill would require the department to develop a statewide implementation plan for the EL Roadmap Policy. In developing the plan, the bill would require the department to convene an advisory committee with representation from specified entities. The bill would require the department to include in the plan, among other things, clear and measurable statewide goals of implementation and a system of monitoring and accountability of the implementation of the department's plan. The bill would require the department to, on or before November 1, 2026, submit a report with the statewide implementation plan for the EL Roadmap Policy to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature. The bill would require the department to annually report, commencing January 1, 2027, to the appropriate policy and fiscal committees of the Legislature on local educational agencies that are engaged in the implementation of the plan, as provided.