Existing law requires a blood bank to be licensed by the State Department of Public Health. Existing law authorizes specified individuals to collect human blood at a blood bank that meets specified requirements if the collection is under the direct and responsible supervision of a licensed physician or surgeon. A violation of these provisions is a misdemeanor. Existing regulations authorize blood collection when a physician is not present on the blood bank premises when specified requirements are met, including that a qualified physician or emergency medical facility is no more than 15 minutes away.
This bill would authorize blood collection at a blood bank when the employee placed in charge, in the absence of a licensed physician and surgeon, is a registered nurse licensed in California. For purposes of a mobile unit, as defined, the bill would require the registered nurse placed in charge to be physically present on the premises, unless certain conditions are met. These conditions would include (1) the registered nurse being immediately available by teleconference, defined as being connected by electronic means, through video, (2) the mobile unit collecting blood only in a location with a connection to the internet that can reliably support the use of teleconference, and (3) if blood is collected by a blood donor phlebotomist, the phlebotomist having an active donor phlebotomy technician certificate, as specified.
The bill would require a blood bank to annually report to the department all donor adverse events that occur pursuant to the provision above, including certain information. The bill would require the department, no later than January 1, 2026, to report to the appropriate policy committees of the Legislature the number and types of donor adverse events reported, as specified.
The bill would make the provisions relating to mobile units, including the reporting requirements, inoperative on January 1, 2027.
Because the bill would expand the scope of a crime by adding new requirements for blood banks, the bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that no reimbursement is required by this act for a specified reason.

Statutes affected:
AB1494: 1607 HSC
02/19/21 - Introduced: 1607 HSC
04/05/21 - Amended Assembly: 1607 HSC
04/22/21 - Amended Assembly: 1607 HSC
04/29/21 - Amended Assembly: 1607 HSC
AB 1494: 1607 HSC