Existing law, the California Coastal Act of 1976 (the Coastal Act) , among other things, requires anyone wishing to perform or undertake any development in the coastal zone, except as specified, in addition to obtaining any other permit required by law from any local government or from any state, regional, or local agency, to obtain a coastal development permit, as provided. The Coastal Act generally requires each local government lying, in whole or in part, within the coastal zone to prepare a local coastal program for that portion of the coastal zone within its jurisdiction. Existing law provides that a local coastal program is not required to include housing policies and programs.
The Coastal Act provides for the submission of a local coastal program and zoning ordinances, zoning district maps, and other implementing actions to, and the approval and certification of that local coastal program and those ordinances, maps, and actions by, the California Coastal Commission. Existing law authorizes an appropriate local government to amend a certified local coastal program and all local implementing ordinances, regulations, and other actions, but provides that any such amendment does not take effect until it has been certified by the commission, as provided.
This bill would require a local government lying, in whole or in part, within the coastal zone that has a certified land use plan or a fully certified local coastal program to adopt, by January 1, 2024, an amendment to that plan or program, as applicable, specifying streamlined permitting procedures in nonhazardous zones for the approval of (1) accessory dwelling units or junior accessory dwelling units, consistent with specified requirements relating to the rental of those units (2) projects in which a specified percentage of the units will be affordable to lower income households or designated for supportive housing, as those terms are defined, and (3) Low Barrier Navigation Centers, as defined. The bill would require that the amendment be submitted to, and processed and approved by, the commission consistent with the above-described requirements for the amendment of a local coastal program. The bill would require the local government to include provisions in that amendment for the issuance of administrative permits, coastal development permit waivers, or other streamlined permitting procedures in nonhazardous areas where coastal resources and public access will not be negatively impacted by that development. The bill, by July 1, 2022, would require the commission to provide guidance that includes sample language to all local governments subject to these requirements for use and consideration to comply with the bill's requirements.
By adding to the duties of local officials with respect to development within the coastal zone, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program.
The California Constitution requires the state to reimburse local agencies and school districts for certain costs mandated by the state. Statutory provisions establish procedures for making that reimbursement.
This bill would provide that, if the Commission on State Mandates determines that the bill contains costs mandated by the state, reimbursement for those costs shall be made pursuant to the statutory provisions noted above.

Statutes affected:
AB500: 65580 GOV
02/09/21 - Introduced: 65580 GOV
03/18/21 - Amended Assembly: 65583 GOV, 65651 GOV, 65852.22 GOV, 30213 PRC, 30500.1 PRC, 30610 PRC, 65580 GOV
03/25/21 - Amended Assembly: 65583 GOV, 65651 GOV, 65852.22 GOV, 30213 PRC, 30500.1 PRC, 30610 PRC, 65580 GOV
04/19/21 - Amended Assembly: 30213 PRC, 30500.1 PRC, 30514 PRC
06/21/21 - Amended Senate: 30213 PRC, 30500.1 PRC, 30514 PRC
06/30/21 - Amended Senate: 30213 PRC, 30500.1 PRC, 30514 PRC
07/13/21 - Amended Senate: 30213 PRC, 30500.1 PRC, 30514 PRC
08/31/21 - Amended Senate: 30500.1 PRC, 30514 PRC
AB 500: 65580 GOV