(1) Existing law authorizes a county, pursuant to a resolution adopted by its board of supervisors, to lend any of its available funds to designated types of special districts to enable those districts to perform their functions and meet their obligations.
This bill would additionally authorize a county to lend any of its funds to a resource conservation district to perform its functions and meet its obligations.
(2) Existing law requires all county ordinances to be read in full either at the time of introduction or passage, except when, after reading the title, further reading is waived by regular motion adopted by a majority vote of the board of supervisors.
This bill would specify that no reading of the title or ordinance is required if the title is included on the published agenda and a copy of the full ordinance is made available to the public on the county's internet website and in print at the meeting before the introduction or passage of the ordinance.
(3) Existing law requires a local agency to designate, by ordinance, very high fire hazard severity zones in its jurisdiction within 120 days of receiving specified recommendations from the director pursuant to obsolete provisions of law.
This bill would delete references to obsolete provisions of law.
(4) Existing law prescribes requirements for the disposal of surplus land, as defined, by a local agency. Existing law requires land to be declared surplus land or exempt surplus land, as supported by written findings, before a local agency takes any action to dispose of it consistent with the agency's policies or procedures.
This bill would provide that the provisions regulating the disposal of surplus land shall not be construed to require a local agency to dispose of land that is determined to be surplus.
(5) Existing law requires that funds deposited into a county's health and welfare trust fund accounts be expended only for the purpose of providing mental health, public health, indigent health care, social services, and juvenile justice programs, as specified. Existing law requires a county, city, or city and county to file annual reports with the Controller of trust fund deposits and disbursements within 60 days after the end of the year. Existing law requires the reports to be forwarded to the appropriate state department for expenditure verification.
This bill would require those reports be forwarded to the appropriate state department only upon request.

Statutes affected:
SB 1473: 23010 GOV, 25131 GOV, 51179 GOV, 54221 GOV, 17609.05 WIC
03/12/20 - Introduced: 23010 GOV, 25131 GOV, 51179 GOV, 54221 GOV, 17609.05 WIC
SB1473: 23010 GOV, 25131 GOV, 51179 GOV, 54221 GOV, 17609.05 WIC