Existing law establishes the Comprehensive Statewide Domestic Violence Program in the Office of Emergency Services to, among other things, provide local assistance to existing service providers and to establish a targeted or directed program for the development and establishment of domestic violence services in currently unserved and underserved areas. Existing law requires the Office of Emergency Services to provide financial and technical assistance to local domestic violence centers in implementing specified services. Existing law authorizes domestic violence centers to seek, receive, and make use of any funds that may be available from all public and private sources to augment state funds and requires centers receiving funds to provide cash or an in-kind match of at least 10% of the funds received.
This bill would remove the requirement for centers receiving funds to provide cash or an in-kind match for the funds received. The bill would make related findings and declarations.

Statutes affected:
SB 1276: 13823.15 PEN, 13710 PEN
02/21/20 - Introduced: 13710 PEN
04/02/20 - Amended Senate: 13823.15 PEN, 13710 PEN
SB1276: 13710 PEN