Existing law, the Contractors' State License Law, provides for the licensure and regulation of contractors by the Contractors' State License Board. Existing law authorizes the issuance of contractors' licenses to individual owners, partnerships, and corporations and authorizes those persons and entities to qualify for a license by written examination administered by the registrar. Under existing law, the registrar, among other things, carries out specified administrative duties and those duties delegated by the board.
This bill would authorize the registrar to contract with a public or private organization to administer the examination and to provide materials and services for the examination.

Statutes affected:
AB 3087: 101.6 BPC
02/21/20 - Introduced: 101.6 BPC
05/04/20 - Amended Assembly: 7065 BPC, 101.6 BPC
AB3087: 101.6 BPC