Existing law authorizes a peace officer or a professional designated by the county to take a person into custody for a period of up to 72 hours for assessment, evaluation, and crisis intervention, or placement for evaluation and treatment, when the person is a danger to self or others, or is gravely disabled, as a result of a mental health disorder. Existing law also authorizes a court to order the evaluation of a person who is alleged to be a danger to self or others as a result of a mental disorder, or the evaluation of a criminal defendant who appears to be a danger to self or others, or to be gravely disabled, as a result of chronic alcoholism or the use of narcotics or restricted dangerous drugs. Existing law authorizes a person who is detained or under court order pursuant to those provisions to be certified, under certain conditions, for not more than 14 days of intensive treatment related to the mental health disorder or impairment by chronic alcoholism.
Existing law requires that a certification review hearing be held, as specified, and governs the procedure for presenting evidence at the hearing. Existing law requires the hearing to be conducted by either a court-appointed commissioner or a referee, or a certification review hearing officer, as described. Existing law authorizes the person to be detained for involuntary care, protection, and treatment related to the mental disorder or impairment by chronic alcoholism if, at the conclusion of the certification review hearing, the person conducting the hearing finds that there is probable cause that the person certified is a danger to self or others or is gravely disabled as a result of a mental disorder or impairment by chronic alcoholism, as specified.
This bill would authorize the evidence presented in support of the certification decision to include information regarding the person's medical condition and how that condition bears on certifying the person as a danger to themselves or to others or as gravely disabled. The bill would require the hearing officer to consider the information in the determination of probable cause.

Statutes affected:
AB 2015: 5256.2 WIC
01/29/20 - Introduced: 5256.2 WIC
03/10/20 - Amended Assembly: 5256.2 WIC
AB2015: 5256.2 WIC