Existing law requires school districts and county offices of education to be responsible for the overall development of a comprehensive school safety plan for its schools operating kindergarten or any of grades 1 to 12, inclusive.
This bill would require the Superintendent of Public Instruction, subject to an appropriation, to establish an emergency response team in the State Department of Education to serve as a liaison and provide guidance and support to school districts, county offices of education, and charter schools, as provided. The bill would require the emergency response team to guide the process for, and facilitate expedited processing of, requests for allowance of attendance due to specified emergency conditions, and to coordinate with the State Department of Public Health and other federal, state, and local agencies, as applicable. The bill would require the emergency response team to submit an annual report describing its activities to the Superintendent and the education committees of the Legislature, as specified.

Statutes affected:
AB1837: 46392 EDC
01/06/20 - Introduced: 46392 EDC
05/04/20 - Amended Assembly: 46392 EDC
AB 1837: 46392 EDC