Existing law requires the governing board of each school district to adopt a local control and accountability plan and requires the governing board of a school district to update its local control and accountability plan before July 1 of each year. Existing law requires a local control and accountability plan to include a description of the annual goals to be achieved for each of the state's delineated priorities, as specified, for all pupils and certain subgroups of pupils, and a description of the specific actions the school district will take during each year of the local control and accountability plan to achieve the identified goals. The state's delineated priorities include, among others, the extent to which pupils have access to, and are enrolled in, a broad course of study that includes all of the subject areas described in the adopted course of study for grades 1 to 6, inclusive, including visual and performing arts.
This bill would authorize a school district to highlight in its local control and accountability plan the access to required instruction and course offerings, as applicable, in visual and performing arts for pupils enrolled in kindergarten and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, as applicable, when describing the annual goals to be achieved for the state priority specified above. The bill would authorize a school district to submit enrollment and completion data specifically related to visual and performing arts using existing state course codes for pupils enrolled in kindergarten and any of grades 1 to 6, inclusive, as applicable, through the California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement Data System to support the information provided under these provisions and to promote public awareness of offered instruction in arts education.

Statutes affected:
AB398: 52060 EDC
02/06/19 - Introduced: 52060 EDC
03/25/19 - Amended Assembly: 52060 EDC
04/01/19 - Amended Assembly: 52060 EDC
04/11/19 - Amended Assembly: 52060 EDC