The proposed bill HB2885 amends Arizona law to provide additional allowances for probationers who are participating in state or federally recognized apprenticeship programs. Specifically, it allows these probationers to work at any hours of the day, provided they remain in good standing with their apprenticeship program. Additionally, it permits them to travel outside their jurisdiction for work related to the apprenticeship, as long as they return by 11:59 p.m. each day.

This new legislation introduces specific provisions that were not previously included in the law, thereby expanding the rights and opportunities for probationers engaged in apprenticeship programs. The current law does not explicitly address these work hour flexibility and travel allowances, which could enhance the ability of probationers to gain valuable work experience while fulfilling their probation requirements.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version: 13-926
House Engrossed Version: 13-926