The resolution H.C.R. 2038 declares drug cartels as terrorist organizations and mandates the Arizona Department of Homeland Security (AZDOHS) to take all necessary actions to address the threats posed by these cartels. It defines a drug cartel as an ongoing association of individuals engaged in unlawful activities such as human smuggling, drug trafficking, or acts of terrorism. The resolution also specifies that it does not support any claims for asylum under federal law based on this declaration.

Furthermore, the resolution outlines the responsibilities of the AZDOHS to formulate policies and programs aimed at preventing and responding to terrorism and related threats. It requires the Secretary of State to present this measure to voters in the next general election, and it will become effective only if approved by the electorate and proclaimed by the Governor. There is no anticipated fiscal impact on the state General Fund associated with this legislation.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version: 41-4256
House Engrossed Version: 41-4256