The proposed bill, HB2389, seeks to amend Arizona law regarding the sale and lease of motor vehicles by prohibiting the sale of vehicles equipped with mechanisms that allow unauthorized individuals to remotely shut off the vehicle without the owner's consent. Additionally, the bill preempts the state and its subdivisions from restricting the manufacture, sale, or use of vehicles solely based on the absence of certain features or technologies that are not classified as mechanisms.

Key changes from current law include a broader definition of "mechanism," which now explicitly excludes mobile applications that allow vehicle owners to deny access and various onboard computer systems designed to address safety issues or assist drivers in emergencies. The bill also clarifies that the term "owner" encompasses lienholders when the use of such mechanisms is part of a contractual agreement. Overall, the bill aims to enhance vehicle owner rights while ensuring that safety technologies are not unduly restricted.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version: 44-1371.01
House Engrossed Version: 44-1371.01
Senate Engrossed Version: 44-1371.01