The bill HB2185 introduces several changes to Arizona's liquor laws. It allows university presidents to approve special event liquor licenses on university property and permits the concurrent issuance of microbrewery festival licenses with special event licenses. The bill also creates a lease addendum for restaurant licensees that derive at least 90% of their gross revenue from food sales and have more than 30% of their total spirituous liquor sales from off-sale, exempting them from off-sale limits until December 31, 2025.
Additionally, the bill simplifies the process for liquor licensees to extend their premises, including a requirement for a security plan and notification of modifications to the local governing body and the Department of Liquor Licenses and Control (DLLC). It removes the need for a physical barrier during sampling in retail premises and changes the annual limit on the value of promotional items a wholesaler can furnish to an on-sale retailer from $700 to an unspecified amount. Technical and conforming changes are also included, and an amendment was adopted to remove a specification regarding the violation of statutory limits on off-sale use for certain restaurant licensees starting January 1, 2024.
Statutes affected: Introduced Version: 4-203.02, 4-206.01, 4-243, 4-112, 4-244, 4-210.02, 4-201, 4-205.02
House Engrossed Version: 4-203.02, 4-203.06, 4-206.01, 4-207.03, 4-243, 4-112, 4-244, 4-210.02, 4-201, 4-203, 4-210, 4-205.02, 4-224
Senate Engrossed Version: 4-203.02, 4-203.06, 4-206.01, 4-207.03, 4-243, 4-112, 4-244, 4-210.02, 4-201, 4-203, 4-210, 4-205.02, 4-224
Chaptered Version: 4-203.02, 4-203.06, 4-206.01, 4-207.03, 4-243, 4-112, 4-244, 4-210.02, 4-201, 4-203, 4-210, 4-205.02, 4-224