The proposed bill amends section 33-931 of the Arizona Revised Statutes concerning health care provider liens. The new language specifies that if an injured person is covered under a health insurance or similar medical benefit plan and the health care provider is an in-network provider, the provider is prohibited from asserting a lien or assignment that is authorized by this section. Any such lien or assignment would be invalid and unenforceable, except as allowed under certain exceptions.

The bill also clarifies that the exceptions to this prohibition do not apply if the injured person and the health care provider have a written and signed agreement to not use any available coverage under a health insurance plan. Additionally, health care providers are still allowed to enforce a lien or assignment for amounts the patient is personally responsible for, such as coinsurance, copayments, and deductibles, as per the injured person's or dependent's health plan.

Statutes affected:
Introduced Version: 33-931