This bill relates to the licensure of health care professionals and exempts certain individuals from state licensure, registration, and certification requirements while they are visiting Alabama to render certain services during the 2025 World Police and Fire Games. The bill defines terms such as "credential" and "department" and specifies that individuals who hold a current and valid professional license, certificate, registration, or other authorization to practice any profession regulated under Title 34, Code of Alabama 1975, and who are credentialed by the Birmingham Host Committee of the 2025 World Police and Fire Games, are exempt from licensure requirements. The bill also allows for consent for certain medical services and specifies that this section is repealed on December 31, 2025.

In summary, this bill allows for the exemption of certain health care professionals from licensure requirements while they are visiting Alabama for the 2025 World Police and Fire Games. It also provides for consent for medical services and specifies the repeal of this bill on December 31, 2025.