This bill, known as the Protection of Minors from Unfiltered Devices Act, requires certain manufacturers of Internet-enabled devices to activate existing filters to restrict access to certain material. The bill defines terms such as "activate," "device," "filter," "harmful to minors," "internet," "manufacturer," "minor," "password," "smart phone," and "tablet."

Starting January 1, 2024, manufacturers must manufacture devices that automatically enable a filter when activated in Alabama. The filter must prevent access to harmful material on mobile data networks, internet browsers or search engines, wired internet networks, and wireless internet networks. The filter must also notify the user when it blocks access to a website and allow a user with a password to unblock a filtered website. The bill establishes liability for manufacturers if a device does not comply with these requirements and a minor accesses harmful material. The Attorney General may bring an action against violators and seek injunctions, civil penalties, and other appropriate relief. Parents or legal guardians of minors who access harmful material may also bring a private cause of action against manufacturers.

Statutes affected:
Introduced: 10A-1-5
Engrossed: 10A-1-5