State of Alaska
Fiscal Note
Bill Version: SCS CSHB 50(FIN)
2024 Legislative Session
Fiscal Note Number: 18
(S) Publish Date: 5/12/2024
Identifier: HB050CS(SFIN)-DOR-TAX-5-12-24 Department: Department of Revenue
Title: CARBON STORAGE Appropriation: Taxation and Treasury
Sponsor: RLS BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR Allocation: Tax Division
Requester: (S) Finance OMB Component Number: 2476
Note: Amounts do not include inflation unless otherwise noted below. (Thousands of Dollars)
Included in
FY2025 Governor's
Appropriation FY2025 Out-Year Cost Estimates
Requested Request
OPERATING EXPENDITURES FY 2025 FY 2025 FY 2026 FY 2027 FY 2028 FY 2029 FY 2030
Personal Services
Capital Outlay
Grants & Benefits
Total Operating 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Fund Source (Operating Only)
Total 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Change in Revenues
None *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Total *** *** *** *** *** *** ***
Estimated SUPPLEMENTAL (FY2024) cost: 0.0 (separate supplemental appropriation required)
Estimated CAPITAL (FY2025) cost: 0.0 (separate capital appropriation required)
Does the bill create or modify a new fund or account? Yes
(Supplemental/Capital/New Fund - discuss reasons and fund source(s) in analysis section)
Does the bill direct, or will the bill result in, regulation changes adopted by your agency? Yes
If yes, by what date are the regulations to be adopted, amended or repealed? 01/01/25
Why this fiscal note differs from previous version/comments:
Updated for Senate Finance CS which removed the income tax on passthrough entities producing or transporting oil or gas in the state
and clarified allowable lease expenditures.
Prepared By: Fadil Limani, Deputy Commissioner Phone: (907)465-3761
Division: Commissioner's Office
REPORT Date: 05/12/2024
Approved By: Janelle Earls, Administrative Services Director Date: 05/12/24
Agency: Department of Revenue
Printed 5/12/2024 Page 1 of 2 Control Code: hNlEx
SCS CSHB 50(FIN) - Fiscal Note 18
Background ‐ CCUS
The last several years have witnessed a rapid acceleration of interest in Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Sequestration
(CCUS) technologies and projects. CCUS projects seek to capture anthropogenic CO2, chiefly from industrial sources, and
inject the CO2 stream into underground geologic formations in order to permanently sequester the carbon rather than
emit it into the atmosphere.
Federal Legislation in 2022 and 2023, primarily the Inflation Reduction Act, has increased the amount of an existing credit
known as the "45Q." The 45Q, in short, allows for a credit against federal corporate income taxes on a per ton of CO2
basis for either sequestration of CO2 for permanent storage or for enhanced oil recovery (at a lower credit level). Under
current law, C‐Corporations doing business in the state are subject to corporate income tax (CIT) under AS 43.20.
This bill would empower regulatory agencies to apply for class VI primacy from the federal government and establish a
framework for application, storage, potential remediation of Carbon Capture, Sequestration, Utilization and Storage. It
establishes several funds for the deposit of moneys generated from the program. The department believes that the funds
can be established and invested using existing resources.
Revenue Impact ‐ CCUS
The tax revenue potential of the bill is uncertain at this stage. The current version of the bill disallows the federal pass‐
through of the 45Q Tax Credit against the State's Corporate Income Tax, as well as excludes any carbon capture or storage
costs as lease expenditures for Oil & Gas Production Tax, which in combination prevent a negative revenue impact.
However, CCUS projects could potentially impact revenues from Oil & Gas Property Tax depending on new infrastructure
placed into service.
Implementation Cost – All Tax Changes
The department would need to update its Tax Revenue Management System (TRMS) and Revenue Online (ROL) which
allows a taxpayer to file a return online. The programming will not be substantial, given that both tax types are already
programmed and will require only minor changes. The department will need to adopt regulations to clarify allowable
lease costs when an enhanced oil recovery facility transitions to a carbon storage facility. These implementation costs will
be absorbed by the department using existing resources.
(Revised 10/31/2023 OMB/LFD) Page 2 of 2
HB050CS(SFIN)-DOR-TAX-5-12-24 Page 2 of 2 Control Code: hNlEx

Statutes affected:
HB0050A, AM HB 50, introduced 01/27/2023: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.730, 31.05.030, 41.06.180, 41.06.155, 41.06.175, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.710, 41.06.125, 38.05.720, 41.06.105, 38.05.715, 38.05.725, 38.05.945, 38.05.735, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.115, 41.06.120, 41.06.165, 41.06.130, 31.05.050, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.150, 41.06.160, 41.06.200, 37.07.080, 41.06.170, 37.14.850, 41.06.185, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.06.195, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 44.37.020
HB0050B, AM CSHB 50(RES), introduced 03/13/2023: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.725, 31.05.030, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 37.05.146, 41.06.160, 41.06.175, 41.06.150, 41.06.170, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.705, 38.05.715, 41.06.105, 41.06.120, 38.05.710, 38.05.720, 38.05.945, 41.06.185, 38.05.730, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.110, 41.06.115, 41.06.125, 31.05.050, 41.06.130, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.155, 41.06.195, 37.05.142, 41.06.165, 37.14.850, 41.06.180, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 43.20.036, 44.37.020, 46.03.020, 46.03.010, 46.03.040, 46.03.715, U.S.C, C.F.R
HB0050C, AM CSHB 50(FIN), introduced 03/18/2024: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.725, 31.05.030, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 41.06.305, 37.05.146, 41.06.160, 37.14.850, 41.06.175, 37.05.142, 37.10.071, 41.06.110, 41.06.105, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.705, 38.05.715, 41.06.120, 38.05.710, 38.05.720, 38.05.945, 41.06.185, 38.05.730, 38.05.735, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.115, 41.06.125, 31.05.050, 41.06.130, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.150, 41.06.155, 41.06.195, 41.06.165, 41.06.170, 41.06.180, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 43.20.036, 46.03.020, 46.03.010, 46.03.040, 46.03.715, U.S.C, C.F.R
HB0050D, AM SCS CSHB 50(RES), introduced 05/06/2024: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.725, 31.05.030, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 41.06.305, 37.05.146, 41.06.160, 37.14.850, 37.13.010, 38.05.705, 41.06.175, 37.05.142, 37.10.071, 41.06.110, 41.06.105, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.715, 41.06.120, 38.05.710, 38.05.720, 38.05.945, 41.06.185, 38.05.730, 38.05.735, 38.05.740, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.115, 41.06.125, 31.05.050, 41.06.130, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.150, 41.06.155, 41.06.195, 41.06.165, 41.06.170, 41.06.180, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.08.020, 41.08.017, 41.08.035, 31.05.035, 43.55.025, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 42.05.141, 44.88.850, 42.05.711, 42.06.630, 42.05.381, 38.05.096, 43.20.046, 43.20.047, 31.05.032, 40.25.100, 40.25.295, 42.06.140, 43.20.011, U.S.C, 43.20.036, 43.55.165, 43.55.201, 43.55.300, 43.55.011, 43.55.014, 46.04.030, 38.05.132, 43.55.023, 46.03.826, 43.55.020, 38.05.081, 38.95.400, 38.95.499, 44.25.020, 44.83.386, 44.37.020, 44.88.855, 44.88.215, 44.88.900, 46.03.020, 46.03.010, 46.03.040, 46.03.715, C.F.R, 42.05.990, 43.20.019, 43.05.225, 43.05.220, 43.05.245, 43.05.290, 44.62.240
HB0050E, AM SCS CSHB 50(FIN), introduced 05/12/2024: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.725, 31.05.030, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 41.06.305, 37.05.146, 41.06.160, 37.14.850, 37.13.010, 38.05.705, 41.06.175, 37.05.142, 37.10.071, 41.06.110, 41.06.105, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.715, 41.06.120, 38.05.710, 38.05.720, 38.05.945, 41.06.185, 38.05.730, 38.05.735, 38.05.740, 38.05.965, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.115, 41.06.125, 31.05.050, 41.06.130, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.150, 41.06.155, 41.06.195, 41.06.165, 41.06.170, 41.06.180, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 42.05.141, 44.88.850, 42.05.711, 42.06.630, 42.05.381, 38.05.096, 43.20.046, 43.20.047, 31.05.032, 40.25.100, 40.25.295, 42.06.140, 43.20.036, 43.55.165, 43.55.201, 43.55.300, 43.55.011, 43.55.014, 46.04.030, 38.05.132, 43.55.023, 46.03.826, 43.55.020, 38.05.081, 38.95.400, 38.95.499, C.F.R, 44.25.020, 44.83.386, 44.37.020, 44.88.855, 44.88.215, 44.88.900, 46.03.020, 46.03.010, 46.03.040, 46.03.715, U.S.C, 42.05.990, 38.05.035
HB0050F, AM SCS CSHB 50(FIN) am S, introduced 05/15/2024, passed Senate 05/15/2024: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.725, 31.05.030, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 41.06.305, 37.05.146, 41.06.160, 37.14.850, 37.13.010, 38.05.705, 41.06.175, 37.05.142, 37.10.071, 41.06.110, 41.06.105, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.715, 41.06.120, 38.05.710, 38.05.720, 38.05.945, 41.06.185, 38.05.730, 38.05.735, 38.05.740, 38.05.965, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.115, 41.06.125, 31.05.050, 41.06.130, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.150, 41.06.155, 41.06.195, 41.06.165, 41.06.170, 41.06.180, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 42.05.141, 44.88.850, 42.05.711, 42.06.630, 42.05.381, 38.05.096, 43.20.046, 43.20.047, 31.05.032, 40.25.100, 40.25.295, 42.06.140, 43.20.036, 43.55.165, 43.55.201, 43.55.300, 43.55.011, 43.55.014, 46.04.030, 38.05.132, 43.55.023, 46.03.826, 43.55.020, 38.05.081, 38.95.400, 38.95.499, C.F.R, 44.25.020, 44.83.386, 44.37.020, 44.88.855, 44.88.215, 44.88.900, 46.03.020, 46.03.010, 46.03.040, 46.03.715, U.S.C, 42.05.990, 38.05.035
HB0050Z, AM Enrolled HB 50, introduced 05/15/2024: 31.05.027, 38.05.180, 38.05.725, 31.05.030, 41.06.005, 41.06.060, 41.06.305, 37.05.146, 41.06.160, 37.14.850, 37.13.010, 38.05.705, 41.06.175, 37.05.142, 37.10.071, 41.06.110, 41.06.105, 41.06.210, 38.05.069, 38.05.135, 38.05.183, 38.05.700, 38.05.795, 38.05.070, 38.05.105, 38.05.130, 38.05.125, 38.05.131, 38.05.181, 38.05.140, 38.05.184, 38.05.715, 41.06.120, 38.05.710, 38.05.720, 38.05.945, 41.06.185, 38.05.730, 38.05.735, 38.05.740, 38.05.965, 38.35.020, 38.35.122, 38.35.120, 38.35.230, 41.06.020, 41.06.030, 41.06.035, 31.05.100, 31.05.110, 41.06.040, 41.06.050, 41.06.055, 31.05.005, 41.06.115, 41.06.125, 31.05.050, 41.06.130, 41.06.135, 41.06.140, 41.06.145, 41.06.150, 41.06.155, 41.06.195, 41.06.165, 41.06.170, 41.06.180, 11.46.630, 41.06.190, 41.21.167, 41.21.161, 38.05.275, 41.21.491, 41.21.502, 41.21.617, 41.21.611, 41.21.610, 42.05.141, 44.88.850, 42.05.711, 42.06.630, 42.05.381, 38.05.096, 43.20.046, 43.20.047, 31.05.032, 40.25.100, 40.25.295, 42.06.140, 43.20.036, 43.55.165, 43.55.201, 43.55.300, 43.55.011, 43.55.014, 46.04.030, 38.05.132, 43.55.023, 46.03.826, 43.55.020, 38.05.081, 38.95.400, 38.95.499, C.F.R, 44.25.020, 44.83.386, 44.37.020, 44.88.855, 44.88.215, 44.88.900, 46.03.020, 46.03.010, 46.03.040, 46.03.715, U.S.C, 42.05.990, 38.05.035